Statins cannot cure tumors, kidney or lungs

There is no evidence of the effectiveness of the use of statins in any of the areas, except for the prevention of heart disease. To such conclusion scientists have come.

Compelling science of the evidence does not support the use of statins for the treatment or prevention of any disorders that are not associated with heart disease. Magicforum recalls that statins is a group of medicines that effectively lower cholesterol. Thus, these drugs reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke due to the suppression of atherosclerosis. However, previous studies have suggested that statins also may slow the development of tumours and even dementia.

Scientists from the University of Edinburgh in the UK conducted a meta-analysis of 270 studies that did not show any evidence of the use of statins for the treatment and prevention of any disorder except heart disease. In particular, refuted the assumption that taking statins may prevent death from kidney disease. Scientists have not been able to confirm that at least some serious evidence. There is evidence that these medications can slow the progression of tumors, but a meta-analysis has not confirmed them. To statins used in Oncology, a new large-scale study.

Finally, we have not received confirmation of the effectiveness of statins in relieving symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or dementia. Therefore, doctors shouldn’t prescribe statins to patients if the goal of treatment is prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. (READ MORE)