Neuropathic pain you’ll soon learn to turn off

Disabling pain center of the brain could bring relief to millions of victims of chronic nerve pain. Such an optimistic conclusion scientists.

Researchers from Boston children’s hospital have discovered a new pain center in the brainthat can be disabled that will prevent the agony of millions of victims of chronic nervous diseases. Nerve pain is among the most severe varieties of permanent discomfort in the treatment plan, because the vast majority of anesthetics is unable to lock onto those same receptors, which can disable it. After nerve damage in some people, the brain ceases to communicate with the body properly, that is, to carry the signals and get them back. As a result, even a light touch to the body can cause sudden and severe pain.

Scientists from Boston have discovered a circuit in the brain, which under normal conditions distinguish between pain and other touch, without causing pain. However, after nerve damage the operation of the circuit is broken. While this is a purely theoretical discovery, but it has great potential in terms of development of new methods of treatment of chronic nerve pain. Theoretically, this pain center you can disable that will prevent people from sensitivity.

Magicforum recalls that in Russia, every tenth person suffers from neuropathic or nerve pain. Our nervous system is a very complex network of constantly communicating between components, and damage some part of the system disrupt the normal passage of signals. These injuries caused by trauma, HIV, ringworm, cancer, etc. can disrupt the normal sensitivity. In humans, the feeling of burns, tingling, twitching, numbness and similar feelings without any apparent reason. (READ MORE)