In our eyes there is a natural mechanism night vision. To such a curious conclusion reached by researchers from Duke University in the United States.
We all know that cats can see perfectly well at night, and I had a problem with that. However, American researchers have found that human eyes have a built-in mechanism for night visionas under the influence of light from stars or the moon, the retina changes as “software” mechanisms in light-sensitive cells. Previously, it was assumed that these parts of the retina do not change because they are programmed to perform certain tasks and adapt to different light conditions. But now scientists have determined how the retinal preprogrammed itself for low light.
“In order to see things in the light of the stars the body needs to reach their limits of vision, the ability to videotelemetry chastisement, a single proton,” say the researchers. They showed that the reprogramming occurs in the cells of retina, sensitive to movement. Even in good light the ability to see the objects themselves and their movements is key to the survival of most mammals.
However, the definition of movements of only one reference point is not working very well. That is why the vertebrate retina has four types of motion sensing cells, and each of them in a specific way reacts to movement up, down, right or left. In humans, these upravlencheskie neurons make up 4% of the cells sending signals from the retina to the brain. (READ MORE)