In England I hope to completely do away with Smoking by 2030. Every day thousands of Britons quit Smoking, as the statistics show.
If the rejection of cigarettes in England will continue at the same pace, then by 2030, the Albion does not remain any smoker. For example, in 2014 more than a million Britons have quit Smoking, and the overall level of smokers has reached a historic low since the rapid development of this habit in Europe. Today in England smoke only 14.9 percent of the adult population. The level of smokers England and the UK generally ranks second in Europe after Sweden, where the fewest number of fans this bad habit. That is why if such a pace can be maintained, then after 12 years, Britain will quit.
Of course, this does not mean that the country does not remain a none smoker. Smoking is the state in which this harmful habit covered less than 5% of the population. 400 000 smokers successfully give up bad habits in the past year, as demonstrated by British statistics, and 6.1 million people actively want to quit Smoking. The experts urge smokers with the experience not to rely on their own willpower, as it is in most cases not work. Attempting to force yourself to give up Smoking generally is considered the least effective method.
More than 50% of smokers refused cigarettes in 2017, appealed to the professionals. Approximately 63% of those who used electronic cigarettes were able to achieve their goals. The doctors asked smokers not to abandon its efforts, even if they repeatedly fail. (READ MORE)