Popular drinks can harm your health

It turns out that the most beloved fruit juices and smoothies can harm your health, for example, that nullify all the efforts made by people on a diet. About the dangers of fruit juice masscasualty nutritionist Department of health capital Antonina Starodubova.

Is fruit juice better to drink plain clean water, and fruit to use as such, said the expert. According to Starodubova, fruit juices, including fresh, contain lots of easily digestible sugar. Thus, unlike whole fruits, juices do not contain fiber, which would slow down the absorption of sugar. The abundance of this substance contributes to significant spikes in blood sugar, release insulin and, with it, a wolf’s appetite, which will not help those who are on a diet.

Before this study, researchers from Princeton University concluded with the verdict of experts about the fact that fruit juices very dangerous to drink on an empty stomach – in this option, the juices actually destroy the intestinal flora. There is also evidence that the habit of drinking fruit juices in a large number daily increases the risk of dying from cardiac diseases.

Scientists claims that the drink abounding of sugar juice makes the internal system of the body to use additional resources for the stabilization of sugar – this ultimately weakens the immune system.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about the fact that scientists have recommended that middle-aged people have to practice “weekend alcoholic”.