Four-day work week makes employees happier and more productive

In New Zealand, conducted an experiment: all employees of the company Perpetual Guardian transferred to a four-day working week. While wages were not cut. And after the study ended, the firm’s management decided to keep the new system permanently. And they’ve got some compelling reasons:

With the third weekend employees become happier

In all offices of the workers have less to complain about an imbalance between work and life. Before the start of the experiment, 54% reported that they combine the office and household chores, and after – already 78%.

Efficiency increases

The longer you work, the more reduced your productivity. After 55 working hours, it practically freezes: you will spend on performing their duties 60 or 70 hours – the results will be about the same.

And here is an additional output, in contrast, makes people more motivated and hard-working – reported by the scientists who conducted the study. And all this without compromising the company’s founder, Andrew Barnes noted, that production did not suffer.

It is good for health

The authors of the experiment said that employees decreases stress – one of the main enemies of health. It it makes you gain weight, kills your libido and lowers the immune system.

And American scientists have calculated that those who are working 55 hours a week, the risk of stroke is increased by 33% compared to those who work less than 40 hours. And they have a 30% increased risk of developing type II diabetes.

Free Friday will save the environment

In 2007 in Utah conducted a similar experiment: civil servants prolonged working day, but made Friday weekend. It turned out that the emissions of carbon into the atmosphere then decreased by 12 tons per year.

And British scientists after additional calculations, said third output to save the planet from ecological disaster. It’s a great way to consume less energy and are less likely to use transport.

How to do in 4 days what normally takes you 5? Increase your performance! And we’ll show you how to do it in the article “How to increase productivity at work: 5 tips scientists”.