8 a purely physical suffering during the depression

Many people think that depression is a disease located only in the head. But 8 real physiological symptoms of one of the most common disorders on our planet.

Chronic depression is often associated with fatigue or permanently reduced level of energy Is one of the most common symptoms. We think that the fatigue or the devastation arise due to stress, but depression also can cause this condition. Victims of depression reduces the pain threshold, as a result, any injury is a lot more pain than if they did not suffer from depression. This also applies to various kinds of diseases, accompanied by pain. By the way, the pain itself, depression is also common, especially in lower back and muscle. To such conclusion the canadian scientists in 2017.

Often depression is accompanied by headaches that are so common that people sometimes do not pay them serious attention. Unlike migraines associated with depression headaches do not affect the person’s functioning, it may be reasonable for the feelings of malaise, especially in the area of the eyebrows. But once we got to the eye area, it should be said that with depression, a decrease in visual acuity, as found by German scientists in 2010. They found that people with depression have great difficulty seeing the differences on black-and-white photographs.

Another unpleasant and pain symptom in depression – abdominal pain that do not subside. Researchers from Harvard observed for cramping, bloating, nausea, which met in people with depression. They also suffer from digestive problems like disorders in the intestine. Often depression is accompanied by constant constipation or diarrhea, which usually seems to occur with food poisoning or gastrointestinal viruses. But emotions such as sadness, anxiety and depression disturb the digestive system. (READ MORE)