7 best drinks with rejuvenating effect

Scientific experts have called some of the best drinks, the use of which activates the physiological processes of the body, contributing to its rejuvenation.

First drink: green tea. This drink is the best source of antioxidants that prevent the formation of free radicals in the body and prevent their damaging effects. Damaging cells, free radicals cause cancer and heart disease. Also, this damage gives the effect of accelerated aging.

Second drink: green tea. Hibiscus tea is not in vain were among the best drinks for rejuvenation. It is characterized by high concentrations of anthocyanins, which provide anti-aging effect – mainly those that reduce inflammation in the body.

Third drink: coffee. Its main component, caffeine has the property to block certain signal pathways in the cells of our body – this lock provides protection for the nervous system in the emergence of neurodegenerative diseases.

Fourth drink: cocoa. This drink also helps to rejuvenate as it provides a shielding effect Tarawih of diseases associated with inhibition of cognitive functions of the brain. Cocoa inhibits the degradation processes of memory and concentration, improves cognitive abilities in old age.

Fifth drink: tomato juice. It is rich in lycopene -a carotenoid, a precursor of vitamin A. the Effect of lycopene is associated with anti-cancer properties. In addition, this substance improves the condition of skin, rejuvenated appearance.

Sixth drink: a decoction of rose hips. It is a storehouse of vitamin C, which boosts immunity and protects against the development of dangerous age-related diseases, primarily cancer.

Drink seven: red wine. Its use gives the effect of rejuvenation by action of resveratrol substances contained in the skins of grapes. Resveratrol strengthens blood vessels and improves blood, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, helps to fight age-related diseases.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that even one Cup of coffee a day can give the effect of life extension.