10 mistakes of those who watch their diet

It is believed that only proper nutrition helps to achieve a slim figure, but people who are strictly watching your diet to avoid the extra pounds, make really many mistakes.

Thus, in particular, scientists recommend not to count calories. According to them, the modern products it is impossible to establish the real number of calories, as manufacturers do not always honestly indicate the fat content. What you need to do is to follow moderation in food, food portion should not exceed the size of a fist.

Another error is the lack of a hearty Breakfast (according to experts, for Breakfast we can safely treat ourselves, even sweets). A rich Breakfast is an excellent stimulator for the activation of metabolic processes. Also there is no need to abandon the use of carbohydrates and fat – these substances are necessary for the implementation of diverse physiological processes in the body, and their deficiency lead to the occurrence of dysfunctions. For example, experts say, it is safe to eat pasta, provided that they are made from durum wheat.

Another silly taboos in addition to the rejection of the pasta – the refusal of oil and salt. Speaking of butter, then one teaspoon a day will not only bring harm, but also give the body many benefits, including providing energy for a more active burning of calories.

“The benefits of low-fat products in terms of supply of energy no. In dairy products along with fat, there is also vitamin D, without which calcium is absorbed,” stated Russian nutritionist Julia Manchuk.
The rejection of salt, in turn, is fraught with serious failure in the system water-salt balance, so every day should eat at least 5 grams.

Many believe that with a proper diet don’t need to eat sugar. But do not forget that glucose is vital for the body substance, the lack of which negatively affects the physical and mental capacity. So sweeteners are not healthier than sugar, and sweets on fructose will quickly lead to the accumulation of fat on the sides and hips.

In addition to eat varied, not eat all day long only buckwheat and chicken breast. Monetarie slows down the metabolism, but it also encourages the disruption associated with overeating.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what method allows you to lose weight without dieting and the gym.