The journal Cells published the conclusion of researchers that in acute renal damage, in particular caused by ischemia, people should eat less. But this principle is effective only in young organisms.
Scientists from Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov decided to investigate whether the method of limiting caloric intake to help in the treatment of patients with kidney damage. Eat less is correct for various diseases, the principle of calorie restriction has repeatedly shown its positive impact on certain functions of living organisms.
It turned out that eating less can be helpful in cases of kidney damage. Scientists have tested this method on patients with kidney disease and found: just a month after the restriction of caloric intake, you may notice a positive effect of such restrictions.
“Reducing the amount of food consumed a third of the usual diet was able to preserve renal function in the face of such heavy damage as ischemia (infarct of the kidney),” – said co-author of the research project Nadezhda Andrianova.
At the same time, the scientists pointed out that the rule of “eat less” helps only to young patients with kidney damage. The old body, according to the researchers, is more sensitive to the damaging factors and requires a separate treatment.
Currently, for the treatment of kidney damage, there is only one known method is hemodialysis. But it only acts on the effects of the disease.
Previously Magicforum wrote about what habits undermine the health of the kidneys.