You definitely know the feeling: you mindlessly take a swig of hot coffee or bite off a piece just brought pizza and then regret it. The sky (top of the mouth) begins to ache, and eventually becomes friable and white. What to do?
As the skin on any other part of your body, in your mouth may experience burns of the first, second and third degree. First degree burns are the most light, and they affect the outer layer of skin (epidermis). These burns usually cause slight redness. Second degree burns are more pronounced and affect the epidermis and the dermis (lower skin layer). These burns may cause pain, redness, swelling, and bloating. Third-degree burns are the most aggressive. They pass through the epidermis and dermis, and the skin may become white or black, and sometimes going numb.
If you itogah SIP hot coffee, most likely, will receive a first degree burn. But if you bite a piece of pizza or a hot sandwich with melted cheese, which long retains its temperature, you will probably get a second-degree burn.
Earn when you burn, your body sends white blood cells to the place of defeat, to try to heal him (that’s why often there is swelling). But if the surface layer of dead skin will peel off or exfoliate. When first-degree burn that happens is invisible at the microscopic level, but if you have a second-degree burn, the entire top layer will flake off, and you definitely will feel it. Fortunately, once this process ends, the sky will new healthy skin.
What if you burned the sky?
First, put the pizza (or what you eat or drink) back in the plate as soon as possible. If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll just damage the delicate tissue in the mouth. Then take ice cold water and gather it in your mouth – this will help cool cloth to the burn went too deep. As with other burns to the skin, cooling is crucial.
Unlike the skin on the hands and feet, you can’t apply lotion or foam to the sky. However, the fact that all this happens in a moist environment works in your favor. Doctors recommend avoiding hot liquids, any sour or too hard foods as long as your mouth doesn’t heal, not to aggravate the pain. Depending on the severity of the burn, to complete healing may take from several days to a week.
If the pain is too strong, you have several options: you can lipitoratorvastatin, obezbolivajuschem, for example,ibuprofen. Preparatory to help with swelling and pain. However,if, despite all the effort and time, as the sky is not improving, contact your doctor. He may prescribe a special medication for the treatment of local lesions and projectosnatura to make sure that you have developed an infection.
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