The journal Pediatrics published an article in which doctors urge parents not to use baby walkers. Scientists say that walkers do not contribute to the development of skills of independent walking in children, but also harm mental and physical development, but also increase the risk of injury.
Many parents think that walkers develop young children and help them to learn how to walk. However, experts of the Center for the study of trauma at the National Children’s hospital in Columbus think baby walkers are extremely traumatic. The data suggests that the most frequent injuries of the head and neck in children are associated with their fall in the Walker downstairs.
“This device allows children to move very quickly to making up to four steps per second. But in early age children do not yet have the need for that speed, movement coordination and attention,” – said the expert.
In their opinion much more useful spent in the Walker is a simple baby lying on the floor on her stomach, allowing him to explore the environment and learns to crawl and then walk. According to the statistics, which lead the authors of the new study, in the period from 1990 to 2014 in USA daily was more than five cases of injury to children in walkers. The American Academy of Pediatrics called for a ban in the U.S., the manufacture and sale of baby walkers, which according to its experts, “contribute to slowing mental and physical development of the child.”
Earlier Magicforum wrote that scientists have identified an unusual cause of childhood obesity.