Various methods anticellulite massage

The contents

Why do I get cellulite?

Honey massage

The types of honey massage

Vacuum massage

Is it possible to get rid of cellulite at home?

If Your figure is not at the best level, what to do? There are lots of possible scenarios and methods of action. They all need to try at the same time, comprehensively. This diet (but correct!) and bath, and massage and sports. Then just over a month, and sometimes less, you can remove excess fat, bring the excess moisture from the body without allowing at the same time, dehydration, and to get rid of “orange peel”. Magicforum figured out what to do to get rid of cellulite.

Why do I get cellulite?

If You do not have problems with obesity, but You found the “orange peel”, the best way to get rid of cellulite – massage with the use of bee products – honey and propolis.

You can do this massage at home, but in the cabin the procedure will be conducted by the professionals. The only downside is the price – half a dozen procedures are up to two and a half tens of thousands of rubles.

But if You find the right amount of money, in just 15-20 days, the professionals will fix Your skin, expelling from under her lumps of fat. And if You just have a full jar of honey and a few nights when You can deal with them, try to conduct such a procedure at home. A honey massage has several contraindications.

Typically, these contraindicationsare the same as any other type of massage. It is an Allergy to the products used during the massage to clean, it is a manifestation of varicose veins or other circulatory diseases, cancer, the presence of benign tumors, HIV-AIDS, diseases of coagulation, such as hemophilia, fever and so on.

Thus, if You find yourself at least one of these syndromes or diseases, then you can immediately cancel such treatments and go for something more neutral on the effects of, for example, mesotherapy – wrap a special film.

This type of massageis used not only to fight with a crust, but under the control of other diseases and ailments. This massage gives the body the required shape.

If You are shown honey massage, can try honey massaging the person. This technique allows not only to get rid of wrinkles that offer almost any cosmetic procedure, but also to unclog the clogged pores.

Honey massage

And some dots on the face, with careful massing can affect the internal organs is Asian medicine. She, though, and has quite a controversial roots, is still quite developed and has influence. Today almost no one denies the connection of certain areas of the body with some authorities. So honey facial massage is also a great way of healing and rejuvenation.

What bee products are used for all these procedures?

Generally, honey massage, make lime, buckwheat and other dark honeys. They have a lot of antioxidants, they almost do not cause individual intolerance. However, other varieties of honey are also suitable for massage.

In addition, the honey must be liquid and sufficiently elastic. If honey from the time sugar, you need to make the honey became liquid again. For this suitable water bath. the continuing impact of this method on the med you want as long as the honey does not return to its former transparency.

The types of honey massage

The amount of honeythat need for disposable massage not to exceed five tablespoons tablespoons.

The use of essential oils

Essential oils have long been used in cosmetology. Their effect is striking. Oil cleanse the body of toxic toxins, increase vitality, improve mood. Each oil has its own properties, so it is better to use a complex of essential oils. Perfectly suitable for removing fat and excess fluid from the body of oil crops such as orange, lemon, juniper. Beneficial for reducing fat deposits and peppermint oil.

Composition for cellulite reduction:

Essential oils: three drops of juniper, geranium.

Five drops of oil of orange or grapefruit.

Lemon essential oil five drops.

The composition of essential oils should be mixed with honey and massaging the problem areas regularly to achieve the desired result.

As for special methods of getting rid of cellulite, here among professionals, opinions vary. Because cellulite affects the body not just in one area of the skin, but over the entire surface, in order to get rid of it, you need to treat the whole body. However, other professionals say that the cure of early stages of cellulite, so-called “orange peel” is sufficient lymphatic drainage massage performed by the hands of an experienced masseur. Also popular vacuum massage, which dissolves the accumulation of fat.

Best when methods are combined. Internal cleansing of the body with special drugs and diet supplements anti-cellulite massage. In this case, the result will be especially noticeable and fast. But if you want to do without the massage, in General, need to be treated will be much longer and more complicated.

Vacuum massage

What is the vacuum? Simply put, a vacuum is rarified air. Inside some container, the pressure is lower than outside. On this principle work the most common medical banks. Skin is pulled into the jar, and cellulite formation are destroyed. But in the modern special clinics for vacuum massage banks are not medical, and special devices that eliminate the orange peel quickly, efficiently and comfortably.

This happens in consequence of the reduction of the external pressure when using vacuum on the problem area. The pressure inside the cell crushes the cage from the inside. Such effect we can observe when the inflation of the balloon. When the air pressure inside the balloon becomes too great, the ball bursts. The same happens with cellulite“balls” in our skin.

After this vacuum massage the skin is completely smooth, because all the irregularities and the effect of “orange peel” disappears.

Is it possible to get rid of cellulite at home?

Modern women usually lead a very active lifestyle. Unfortunately, they don’t always have time to go for a massage in a specialized institution. In addition, these procedures require considerable resources. However, if celluliteis just beginning to appear, every woman with the desire and persistence can overcome it by yourself at home. Of course, at home there is a special device for vacuum massage. But in this case you can use the medical banks.

They are known in medicine has long and also help doctors and cosmeticians many generations. It is known that ancient physicians in Ancient Greece and Rome used banksfor the treatment of patients. Do not neglect this simple method and in Asia, e.g. China. Medical and public banks are sold without a prescription. They can be purchased even in small village pharmacy. Banks are now made not only from glass but from other materials. There are banks made of plastic, rubber and others. Unbreakable banks, of course preferable. Especially nice plastic jars that are easy to carry, so you can take them with you on trips. Each buyer can choose the banks of a suitable size.

Types of vacuum massage

In order to spend at home anti-cellulite massage, you should take a warm bath or do some physical movements. You can also RUB the skin area with your hand. This is necessary in order to increase the temperature of the skin. Then on the skin we must spread the massage cream or massage oil. Then medical to put the Bank on a prepared plot that it sucked. Followed with uniform movement to move the jar across the surface of cellulite skin. Direction of massage can be different – circular, wavy, smooth. Do not skip the skin. Fat in a result of such action is destroyed, and the cellulite goes away.

In anti-cellulite massage is conducted with the help of medical cans the main thing is not to overdo it. If the vacuum is too strong, can form marks on the skin haematomas that looks, agree, not very attractive. And although the beauty demands victims, it is not necessary to massage with was accompanied by severe pain.

Previously, scientists have discovered an unusual property of massage.