The contents
As the vinegar helps to relieve the symptoms of thrombosis
Methods of treatment of Apple cider vinegar
Therapeutic baths and tinctures from herbs thrombosis
In the courseof veins began to appear nagging feeling? With pressure on the calf muscle causes pain? Legs get tired and swell in the evening? Alas, all of this can be a sign of incipient thrombosis. No need to panic. But after passing the examination and receiving the recommendation of phlebology, it is better to start the treatment of thrombophlebitis. To begin with – simple folk remedies. Magicforum has collected simple recipes that will help you to get rid of this problem.
As the vinegar helps to relieve the symptoms of thrombosis
Often hear how to treat thrombophlebitis suggest ripe tomatoes. Packs of tomatoes really help to combat the symptoms of the disease. But this treatment is only available in the summer. So often for the symptomatic treatment of incipient thrombosis recommended Apple cider vinegar. This is a very simple tool that you can use without fear of side effects.
The effectiveness of this home remedy due to the following actions:
•vinegar helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
•relieves puffiness;
•tones the skin;
•stimulates venous blood flow;
•nourishes the body with vitamins (A, C, E), minerals, trace elements;
•has anti-inflammatory effect;
•acts as a mild pain reliever.
To the healing properties of Apple cider vinegar has manifested itself in full, it is better to treat thrombophlebitis of the veins not store-bought product, and cooked myself. As an example, here’s a simple recipe for homemade vinegar from apples.
Ingredients per liter of water (boiled):
•potatoes – 800 g;
•sugar or honey – 200 g;
•rye crackers – 20 g (you can substitute yeast – 10 g).
The sequence of preparation:
1.Apples RUB on a grater with large cells.
2.Fill with water.
3.Add half of the sugar (honey), yeast (rye crackers).
4.Leave in a warm place for 10 days, and the mass fermented.
5.The mixture was stirred daily with a wooden spoon for 3 times.
6.At the end of the decade, the mixture is filtered, Apple mass press.
7.Add in the pure infusion of the remainder of the sugar (honey).
8.Is available neck banks gauze.
9.Kept warm for 2 months.
10.Ready Apple cider vinegar filtered, bottled, stoppered tightly with corks.
Use the tool in the form of lotions, compresses, wiping. To treat blockage of veins with Apple cider vinegar in some cases is recommended by inside or using the evening dousing of the feet.
Methods of treatment of Apple cider vinegar
List the methods of reducing the symptoms of thrombophlebitis in the lower extremities with Apple cider vinegar home that use most often:
1. Rubbing. After a bath or shower steamed the skin is rubbed undiluted Apple cider vinegar, focusing on the most painful areas. Rinse is not necessary. Daily operations are carried out strictly in the morning and evening. The course is not interrupted and do not stop until the thrombosis symptoms disappear.
2. Compresses with Apple cider vinegar. Cheesecloth, folded in four, a thin diaper, a soft cotton cloth impregnated with diluted 1:1 with water or pure Apple cider vinegar. Applied to the area of the skin with painful veins. On top of the compress, wrapped in cling film. Insulated with a warm scarf, a towel. Lie back, with lower extremities elevated (cushion, pillow). The procedure lasts half an hour. To treat by this method the thrombosis of the leg veins should be for 2 months daily.
3. Wraps. This treatment Apple cider vinegar is largely similar to the previous one. Cheesecloth, cotton cloth is also soaked in vinegar, applied to the lesion of veins, fix with an elastic bandage. Wrap the lower limbs in a warm blanket. You need to sit comfortably on the couch, in bed and stay like this for 30-40 minutes. Procedures perform daily morning and evening.
4. Apple cider vinegar in diluted form can be taken internally as a decoction or infusion of herbs. In the morning and before going to bed drink a glass of the treatment solution: 2 tbsp. vinegar from apples 200 ml of water.
Therapeutic baths and tinctures from herbs thrombosis
To result home treatment of thrombosis has become the most visible, local therapy necessarily complemented by warm baths, decoction of medicinal plants. Of different herbs usually are fees, which are then used for preparation of baths, alcoholic tinctures, decoctions for rubbing painful areas, ingestion.
For example, to treat thrombophlebitis of veins of the lower extremities baths of the herb cudweed. 50 g of dry raw pour 10 liters of boiling water and insist hour. Take a foot bath for half an hour in the evening every day.
Instead of cottonweed can be brewed in the same volume of boiling willow bark and oak, taken in equally. Herbs (1 Cup) to insist 4 hours, then boil 30 minutes, drain. In cooled to a comfortable temperature infusion immersing sore legs for half an hour. After a bath to lie down, wrapped his feet in warm blanket.
For ingestion thrombophlebitis used herbal:
•yarrow – 50 g;
•buckthorn (bark) – 100 g;
•lingonberry leaves and birch – 100 g;
•immortelle flowers – 200 g
A mixture (1 tbsp.) brewed with boiling water, cook 5 minutes. Wrapped in warmth, insist 4 hours. Before taking pozhivayut. Before eating drink a warm broth half a Cup at a time. Interval – three times a day.
From clover prepare alcohol tincture. Liter good vodka pour 100 grams of dry grass, to insist in a dark place for 21 days. Infusion drink 3 times a day 20 drops before meals.
Attention! To joke with such a dangerous disease such as thrombophlebitis, it is impossible. Disregard, wrong methods of solving problems can result in dire consequences. To treat venous thrombosis by any drug or natural remedies are only allowed under the supervision of a specialist.
If you do not feel improvement from the home methods, then you should definitely go to the doctor to get a recommendation for medical treatment. In any case, leaving this issue unresolved is dangerous to health.
Previously, doctors told how to cure hepatitis C.