Some children become asthmatics?

An international group of researchers, which devoted an article in the journal Environment International, came to the conclusion that the tendency to the disease of asthma differ in children born in a certain period – namely in the season of flowering herbs.

Scientists said that children born at the peak of the pollen season, are more likely to develop asthma or other allergic diseases, although this factor is not the main cause of exposure to these diseases. This conclusion was made by specialists after they analyzed the cord blood samples, collected from 2 597 children born in Australia, Germany and Denmark.

This blood was tested for antibodies IgE (immunoglobulin E) produced by the immune system to protect against bacteria, viruses and allergens. It is the concentration of IgE in the blood is a marker of susceptibility to allergic diseases. High IgE levels – a sign that the older child would be bothered by respiratory allergic diseases, asthma.

The authors of this study found that the highest content of IgE antibodies differed in cord blood samples taken from children who were born during the peak of flowering plants. Children who survived the flowering season in the womb, the level of antibodies was low.

“The fetus can be protected by maternal body from exposure to allergens, but if the last month of pregnancy falls on the peak concentration of pollen in the atmosphere, the level of such protection is still diminished,” – concluded in the result of professionals.
Magicforum previously wrote about the case of the birthday girl-Cyclops in Indonesia.