People do die when they no longer want to live

People really can die from what they simply cease to fight. The study showed that if a person decides to give up his chance to go much higher.

We’ve all heard the assertion that will power has very great importance in a variety of circumstances, and researchers from the University of Portsmouth have confirmed it. They found that people who, because of some severe shocks decide to give up and stop fighting, significantly more likely to die compared with those who continue the fight. The study showed that the surrendered people usually die within three days after they face some traumatic event that they can’t move. This event may be the death of a loved one, imprisonment, illness, disasters and accidents.

People who surrendered could be seen during the war, when prisoners of war who lost their will power, stopped to talk, to eat and died within a few days. This so-called psychogenic death is a real medical condition. If the person feels defeated by life, it changes the activity in brain region that motivates him to care about himself.

“Psychogenic death is absolutely real, say the authors of the study. Is in any case not suicide, it is not associated with depression, we have a personal decision to surrender to the flow of life and to die as a result of this decision. It is really a physiological and psychological state, often associated with severe trauma. We established the 5 stages of this disorder and found that a person can reach the last stage when he refuses to live in just a few weeks. It all starts with the failure of communication, followed by a loss of interest in yourself and how you look, no initiative in making decisions, at the fourth stage begins incontinence in which a person goes by himself, but psychogenic death is the fifth stage with complete loss of the will to live”. (READ MORE)