A unique new drug eases the agony of postpartum depression in hours, rather than weeks. This conclusion was made by researchers.
A new drug called Bressanone differs sharply from existing antidepressants. Tests have shown that it can effectively be used to combat post-partum depression young mothers, as the drug improves their mental state in 24 hours. Magicforum recalls that about 10% of women experience postpartum depression. This depression can lead to very dire consequences, including injury to the child and self-harm in women. Unfortunately, the majority of victims of this mental disorder hesitate to seek help from doctors, because they believe that they will be bad mothers.
As it became known in the course of the study, which was published in the journal The Lancet, the decrease in depressive symptoms was observed within hours after injection Bressanone. Scientists from the University of North Carolina stated that currently used antidepressants from the group of selective inhibitors of serotonin reuptake is required at least 6 weeks in order to cause at least some positive reaction. Research Bressanone showed that here we are talking about a few days, perhaps even hours.
Naturally, in the case of postpartum depression the speed of action of the drug is crucial. And if Bressanone be approved by the health administrations of the countries, it may be the most significant breakthrough in the fight against one of the most dangerous mental disorders. In the study of the drug involved more than 200 women aged 18 to 45 years, who for 6 months was suffering from postpartum depression. (READ MORE)