Lemon, olive oil and Apple cider vinegar kidney stones

The contents

The main causes of kidney stones

Recipes from kidney stones

Kidney stones can cause severe pain in the lower back and abdomen. The reason for their appearance is very often a high level of calcium oxalate or phosphorus in the human body.Fortunately, in nature there are numerous natural remedies that can neutralize the acid causing kidney stones. One of such products are citrus fruits, because they contain citric acid, which has powerful alkaline properties.

Magicforum collected natural home remedies based on lemon and other useful products that will help to forget about the kidney stones.

The main causes of kidney stones

Minerals that accumulate in the kidneys and bladder, turn into stones. In a healthy person the process of crystallization of minerals is moderate, so they are easily excreted through the urine. However, if the size of these minerals becomes too large, they can not be deduced this way.

Please note that the presence of stones in the urinary tract and kidneys very often leads to severe pain. The reasons for the accumulation of minerals in the human body a lot. Among them stands out the dehydration, large amounts of salt and sugar in the diet and excess weight and obesity. Do not forget about the important influence of genetic factors.

There are several main causes of kidney stones:

• Calcium oxalate: the most common among all types. The formation of stones occur when oxalate is combined with calcium as a result of excessive consumption of fried foods, beets, or chocolate.

• Uric acid. This problem is more typical for the representatives of the stronger sex. Normally, the excess uric acid occurs as a result of the abuse of red meat and seafood.

• Cystine stones: this disorder is quite rare and usually occurs as a result of genetic abnormalities.

Recipes from kidney stones

The lemon will help to forget about the kidney stones

Part of all citrus fruits in large quantities include citric acid, which has the ability to change the pH level in the human body, reduce the acidity of urine and reduce the risk of formation of kidney stones caused by high levels of calcium oxalate. Besides, lemons contain high levels of vitamin C, which helps protect the body from viruses and strengthens the immune system.


• lemon juice (60 ml)

• 8 glasses of water (2 liters)

• Sweetener to taste (honey or stevia)

Method of preparation:

• Make a natural lemonade made from fresh lemon juice, water and sweetener.

• To get a positive result you must drink at least two cups of lemonade a day.

• You can also add lemon juice to other dishes. It will help to break up the kidney stones and remove them from the body.

Olive oil cure kidney stones

Everyone knows that olive oil is incredibly useful to the organism product, as it includes high amount of essential antioxidants, vitamin E, chlorophyll and phenolic compounds. These substances slow down the aging process, improve functioning of the liver.

Besides, useful fats, which are part of the olive oil, help the body absorb vitamins A, D and K from food. Of course, there are many ways to use olive oil. However, if you want to forget about the kidney stones, are advised to combine vegetable oil with fresh lemon juice.


• lemon juice (30 ml)

• olive oil extra virgin (30 ml)

• water (250 ml)

Method of preparation:

• Mix the olive oil with fresh lemon juice.

• Have ready means and drink down his glass of ordinary clean water.

• For the positive effect it is necessary to take the remedy three times a day for three consecutive days.

Apple cider vinegar kidney stones

The natural Apple cider vinegar includes acetic acid. With regular consumption of this substance the body will begin to produce alkaline compounds, which not only shattered the existing stones in the kidneys, but will also reduce the risk of the new.

Please note: when purchasing Apple cider vinegar be sure to give preference to the bottle, the bottom of which you can see muddy sediment. This sediment is a sign of the presence in a vinegar of beneficial enzymes that help to deal with kidney stones.


• natural Apple cider vinegar (15-30 ml)

• water (250 ml)

• natural honey to taste

Method of preparation:

• Add Apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and sweeten the drink with natural honey.

Drink this drink must be at least three times a day until complete removal of stones from kidney.

• Please note that Apple cider vinegar can be used instead of store-bought sauces for vegetable salads.

Remedy for kidney stones based on lemon juice, Apple cider vinegar and olive oil

If you want to take advantage of these useful products, you should combine them in one incredibly effective tool to combat kidney stones. However, be careful not to forget about proportions, because this tool will have a more concentrated flavor.


• olive oil (30 ml)

• lemon juice (75 ml)

• water (250 ml)

• Apple cider vinegar (15 ml)

• water (125 ml)

Method of preparation:

• Mix lemon juice with olive oil, immediately drink a remedy.

• Drink down the lemon-olive mixture with a glass of drinking water.

• After half an hour, dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice in 1/2 glass of water. Add to this 1 tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar. Drink vinegar-lemon drink.

Don’t forget that to prevent the development of kidney stones by using a balanced and varied diet. These products will help you to forget about the kidney stones, strengthen your immune system and strengthen the body’s defense mechanisms.

You can add olive oil, lemon juice and Apple vinegar diet even if you have no kidney stones because these products are an excellent prevention of various health problems.

Moreover, all these three products are universal, so they combine perfectly with other dishes. You will be able to enjoy their wonderful spicy taste and enjoy all the benefits of these products to the fullest.

Earlier, the scientists said, does Apple cider vinegar lose weight.