Physicians reported that the use of food cooked over an open fire or on the coals, can cause great harm to the human body. Individualpsychologie Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
The effect of campfire food is almost the same as from Smoking cigarettes. This conclusion was made by scientists after a decade of observations of the health of more than 270 thousand people, aged 30 to 79 years from several regions of China. 20 thousand subjects of their number died during the study period from cancer and serious diseases of the lungs, and these were people, often cooking food on a fire.
“Regular intake of food cooked on an open fire or on coals for 40-60% increases the risk of lung disease” – concluded in the result of professionals.
According to scientists, the inhabitants of the countries where cooking and heating dwellings are traditionally associated with the use of firewood and coal, to a large extent susceptible to the harmful effects of open fire. Contact with fire can double to increase the concentration of carcinogens in the blood, this was confirmed by observation of fire. In addition, wood and coal furnace spreading smoke, which contains large amounts of carcinogenic substances that trigger cancer.
Earlier Magicforum wrote about how the vitamin may protect against particularly dangerous form of breast cancer.