Developed a new drug for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases

Scientists from Russia using modified cells contained in the umbilical cord blood has developed a new drug. In the future it will be used in the treatment of certain neurodegenerative diseases, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, neurotrauma, and ischemic stroke.

To neurodegenerative diseases include Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis variant. It is also noted that the mass death of neurons occurs after ischemic stroke and neurotrauma. Patients with such problems receive the drugs, which can eliminate only the symptoms of the illness rather than its consequences.

Scientists believe that a more promising method of treatment is gene-cell technology. They consist in modifying stem cells, where it is possible to build artificial DNA molecules. The latter is able to encode proteins, which lead to regeneration of the brain.

Employees of the medical University of Kazan, their colleagues, and centers of neurology and epidemiology of Gamaliel has developed a gene-cell medicine. Also, they have already managed to conduct testing on rodents.

Based on medicines are the cells contained in umbilical cord blood. They added human genes carrying the modified DNA molecules of viruses. In the area of degenerative transformations of the brain these cells can influence the activation prevents cell death processes and resume their normal operation.

To test the effectiveness of scientists have tested it on three Biomodel: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in mice, the spinal cord injury in dwarf pigs and ischemic stroke in rats. It turned out that the modified cells move from the blood into the brain, reach the site of the damage and trigger regeneration. With the introduction of tools mini-pigou with an injured spinal cord was observed that the paralyzed legs of the pig was again able to move.