A heart arrhythmia can increase the risk of human encounter with senile dementia. Especially dangerous is atrial fibrillation, the study showed.
Of heart rhythm disturbances increase the risk of developing dementia, according to researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. It turned out that suffering from atrial fibrillation , people are faced with more rapid decline in mental activity and memory, because of which they face an increased risk of dementiawhen compared with those with no arrhythmia. Atrial fibrillation is accompanied by heart palpitations, is a disorder of heart rhythm, significantly increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes, it requires lifelong medications to stabilize the heartbeat.
If these medications are not taken, then blood can quickly fill the heart of his excessive contractions, which increases the risk of formation of blood clots that can reach the brain and cause a stroke. The good news is that if patients still hold treatment of atrial fibrillation through medication of anticoagulants or blood thinning, in their case, the probability of the development of dementia is much lower in comparison with those who have these medicines do not accept.
“Blood flow, exploding atrial fibrillation, can affect the brain in different ways, say the authors of the study. – We know that with aging the likelihood of developing atrial fibrillation increases, but also increases the risk of dementia. Our study showed a clear link between these two disorders, it also demonstrated that the use of anticoagulants in reality reduces the risk of all forms of dementia”. (READ MORE)