29-year-old woman collided with burns 90% of skin after a severe allergic reaction to a common antibiotic penicillin. Now her body is covered in scars from head to toe.
Frenchwoman Camille Logie received second-degree burns to 90% of the body surface that are generally considered to be terminal. Usually the human body is simply not able to cope with so severe a shock, but the body can not recover such a significant amount of skin. But Camille managed to survive, having spent many weeks in the hospital. However, these burns were not caused by flame, boiling water or acid, they were an allergic reaction to penicillin – the first antibiotic invented by mankind and is still actively used in medicine.
Almost 30 years Camille had no idea that she has such a powerful Allergy to penicillin. The pills she was prescribed for the treatment of tonsillitis, and soon her whole body was covered with terrible burns from head to toe. Bloody bubbles appeared not only on the surface of the body, but even on the tongue, throat and inside the genitals. Now all this woman with head to toe covered with scars. She was a victim of the disease called toxic epidermal necrolysis. Usually with this rare disease are faced not more than one or two people per million.
The first symptoms became severe Allergy eye itching and some weird dots on the back, the number of which has grown rapidly in just over an hour. The most surprising is that in childhood, Camille has received penicillin as a treatment for some bacterial infections, And nothing in her system occurred. The doctors explained that allergies can develop at any period of life. (READ MORE)