60-year-old male on the penis grew a real horn

This man came to real horror when his penis started to grow a horn with a length of two and a half centimeters. After the surgeons cut off the knot, he rose again.

One can easily imagine the psychological condition of 60-year-old man from India, who noticed that on the tip of his penis started to grow a horn. It turned out that the hump is a side effect of the operation to restore the urethra. Two months after this surgical procedure, the man, whose name was not called, went to the doctor and complained of a strange horn that grows out of the penis. Experts after some consultation it removed the tumor. However, after some time the man returned to him again with the same complaints and this time the horn length on the penis was 2.5 cm

It turned out that this so-called cutaneous horn of the penis is yellow-brown hue. Surgeons have performed another surgery to remove it, and after she did a biopsy to make sure it’s not cancer. The biopsy showed that the tumor is benign. In an article for the journal BMJ Case Reports described that the second operation has been successful, the process of rehabilitation of the patient also passed well, and since then no change in his penis appeared.

The men noted Lychen lichen sclerosis is a long term disorder of the skin that affects the genitals, causing itching and white patches on the skin. Cutaneous horn of the penis is commonly called the growth of keratin – the same protein that forms our hair, skin and nails. The reason for this expansion in this case is not clear. However, in General the risk factors for cutaneous horns are surgical trauma, long flowing phimosis, radiation therapy or tumors. (READ MORE)