5 important health habits after the occurrence of the fortieth anniversary

By typing in your way of life these habits, you’ll do your health a valuable gift, experts say. In particular, in their opinion, after forty years, it is important to sleep.

Scientists believe that women who crosses the threshold of the fortieth anniversary, you should sleep at least eight hours a day. According to them, women are in the age of the decades prior to menopause, when hormonal failures can be particularly dangerous. Chronic sleep deprivation easily provokes disturbances in the production of hormones, therefore after forty it is especially important to get enough sleep.

Also at this age the diet should be more protein – protein foods stimulate the metabolism and help maintain lean muscle mass. In addition, to stimulate metabolism, which after forty years is starting to slow down, it is important to drink plenty of water: good hydration after the fortieth anniversary of the kidneys, skin, and brain.

The experts noted that after 35 years in the body begins to decrease the amount of muscle mass, decreased bone density. To counter these processes of physical aging, is required weight training. Women also need to remember that after 40 years, increasing the risk of heart disorders, heart attack – in this regard, they need to be screened regularly, to monitor the pressure and blood sugar levels.

In addition, you need with increased attention to monitor the condition of the skin. It children not of the rejuvenation – after the fortieth increases the likelihood of developing skin cancer. It is important to regularly examine your moles by a dermatologist.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about how five simple actions can effectively help to lose weight.