4 common causes of foamy urine

If you notice that your urine is like beer foam, do not panic, it is not necessarily mean something bad. Below are four potential causes underlying the foamy urine.

The foam is just harmless bubbles

Don’t worry if during urination you notice tiny, transparent bubbles that quickly dissipate. If a powerful stream of urine, this may cause mild foaming.

On the other hand, foamy urine can be white and not transparent, and a long time to disappear. This foam is very different from the harmless bubbles, more akin to hydrated soda or beer foam, and can indicate problems with health.

In your urine too much protein due to dehydration

There’s a medical name of proteinuria. It is the most common cause of frothy urine. Excess protein is contacted together, forming a foam.

Your urine is composed of wastes and extra fluids. It is formed in the kidneys, which are two of the organ, located below your rib cage (one on each side of the spine). Hit through the kidneys is 17002000 liters of blood, they formed 120150 liters of primary urine and 1.52 liters secondary urine.

When you are dehydrated, the urine becomes more concentrated, and this means that the protein in it can cause foaming. This can be compared to when you add a little chocolate in a small glass of milk. The liquid will darken, but in a larger glass of milk, most likely, the chocolate will not even be visible. If your urine is very concentrated, a small amount of protein may seem large.

According to the Mayo clinic, other factors that can allow excess protein to slip through the filters of the kidneys, include stress, fever, strenuous exercise and even exposure to extreme cold.

In your urine too much protein because of kidney problems

Constantly high level of protein in the urine is a sign that through the kidneys into the urine penetrates more protein than you need. The two most common causes are diabetes and high blood pressure.

Diabetes 1 and 2 type, can cause high blood sugar that damages blood vessels in the kidneys, hampering their function. As a result, in the urine is too much protein. With high blood pressure a similar story pressure on the blood vessels weakens them over time, preventing them to do their job.

There are many other health conditions that may cause proteinuria, e.g., pregnancy, preeclampsia, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, heart disease, and sickle cell anemia.

You are taking painkillers from IMP

The Mayo clinic explains that the only way to cure a urinary tract infection is to consult a doctor and start taking the prescribed antibiotics. But there are medications designed to relieve symptoms of UTI, for example, containing phenazopyridine hydrochloride. Although known side effect of phenazopyridine hydrochloride is a staining of urine in the orange color, some people also reported foaming, which, apparently, is a chemical reaction that occurs when the drug is mixed with water.

It is not necessary to panic at the sight of foamy urine

To get started, try to fill the water balance, to verify that the cause of foamy urine is dehydration. Ask yourself, is there anything else in your life that can cause foamy urine, for example, tress, intense exercise or pregnancy. Also think about whether you have any medical condition that can cause foaming, for example, diabetes.

If you believe that foamy urine is a symptom of disorders of the kidneys, consult your doctor. The doctor will conduct a physical exam and will examine your blood and urine tests to figure out the exact cause. You can also be assigned to the ultrasound examination of the kidneys. When the cause is determined, your doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.