In his recent book Stephen Hawking writes about DNA technologies that will lead to the emergence of the Superman. The famous physicist was afraid that eventually it will bring humanity to disaster. About the prospects of such a scenario, says Michael, Khetsuriani biologist involved in research in the field of molecular biology.
Biochemist, molecular biologist, post-graduate student of Institute of physiology named after O. O. Bogomolets. Engaged in research in the field of RNA biology. The author of scientific and popular scientific articles, popularizer of science.
What Hawking said
The last book Hawking came only yesterday, and so I have not got. But the media is already full of separate extracts from this work. The most acclaimed story of recent days concerns Hawking in connection with the possible appearance of Superman.
The scientist believed that in the near future for rich people will be available to technology of modifying the genome, which will give them new abilities. In particular, we are talking about life extension, disease prevention and the preservation of youth. Then there’s super-people, which will have an obvious advantage over those with whom such technologies are inaccessible due to financial constraints.
The emergence of such opportunities is a serious prerequisite for a deeper and more profound polarization of society. Stephen Hawking even talked about the emergence of higher and lower castes, with the gradual extinction of the latter due to the inability to compete with genetically modified people.
Technology and superhuman
Who is this Superman? What features are endowed with this individual? There are many fantastic stories about such superjudah with unique abilities. But let’s get down on the ground and try to simulate Superman was talking about Hawking.
It’s probably people who live a lot longer than the average resident. Did you know that with the help of modern techniques of genetic engineering can increase the life of some worms 2-3 times? Conventional injection with a virus carrying the telomerase gene can increase mouse lifespan by 15-25%. Telomerase is a specific enzyme that builds telomeres, the end segments of chromosomes. With each division the telomeres shorten, and eventually the cell loses the ability to reproduce. Then come to the aid of the additional genes of the telomerase enzyme, which is using genetic engineering technology built into a virus introduced into the body of the animal. The virus infects cells, giving them additional genes of the telomerase enzyme, which allows to increase the number of cell divisions, and thus to extend the life of the whole body.
With the advent of techniques CRISPR/Cas9 possible was the editing of the genome. It is a kind of molecular scissors that can be cut out of the genome is unnecessary, and, if necessary, insert the desired sequence. Molecular biologists and geneticists got this technology, only 7 years ago, and currently the technique is being constantly improved. Chinese and British scientists have achieved success in editing the genome of a human embryo by removing the genes responsible for the development of severe genetic disorders.
Thus, another feature Superman will be immune to disease. Have you heard of this term as design children? It is expected that by using such technologies it is possible to adjust certain attributes in the body of the unborn child. Sounds utopian, but it becomes a reality.
About bans
Edit the genome are officially allowed not in all countries. For example, in the US, such experimentation is prohibited. However, this does not mean that American scientists engaged in such research. Laboratory in China, UK and other countries where permitted such experimentation, kindly invite the Americans to conduct research. As you know, modern science has no borders, and the scientist makes no difference to house his lab.
Of immortality
On one of the public lectures I have raised the issue of ageing and talked about that, one way or another, humanity strives for immortality. I began to protest. One of those present at the lecture said that he, like most normal people, immortality is useless. Then I asked him: And what age would you like to live? A little thought, the young man said that 100 years is quite enough for him.
By the way, many people with whom I conduct these conversations, say 100 years, it will be enough to cash in. But why 100? Maybe 120? Or 150? In fact, wanting to be immortal is nothing but a compromise with death. We all know that sooner or later death will come, and it’s not going anywhere. Immortality is something that we will never receive, and therefore does not need to feed these illusions. But let’s imagine that you have 99, you’re in great shape, and even engaged in favorite work. Live all your friends and family. Do you agree to leave in a year? Unlikely.
Actually, the tasks posed in front of science and medicine not so much the prolongation of life as such, and in the renewal of youth. A healthy body and a clear mind the fundamental ingredients of zest for life. In this state life is not boring, and each of us wants to be in that position as long as possible.
Brave new world
Become Superman and even become immortal is half the battle. This mankind will have to solve another task of organizing a new society. It really appears castes, as predicted Hawking? And here we cannot but mention the dystopia of Aldous Huxley’s brave new world, where people were divided into higher and lower; where live birth was banned, and the new people society produced like goods.
And whether there will be new opportunities subject to conflicts and even a new world war? After all, we realise that such change entails a dramatic transformation of the socio-economic life. Not the fact that the technology to achieve immortality or life-extension will be available only to economically developed countries of the West. It is noteworthy that genomic technology is not fabulous money, especially because every year the cost of these manipulations is reduced and functionality expanded.
Summing up a certain line to the above, I must say that the progress of biological science with the manipulations of DNA, like most epochal discoveries, have two sides. It’s like nuclear fission, which serves as a power source in nuclear reactors. On the one hand nuclear energy brings many benefits to humanity, which at the same time, still can not recover from the accidents at Chernobyl and Fukushima.