You feel most productive in the middle of the day or, conversely, work best early in the morning? Regardless of whether lark or owl are you, in fact, very little depends on your personal preference, as all related to the circadian rhythm.
Circadian rhythm Ecopolis, beating inside every human being, which is able to not only manage daily cycle from sleep to vigor and back, but is also important for memory. Biologists at Stanford University /USA/ conducted laboratory tests on hamsters and found a link between a stable circadian rhythm and memory. Without the proper functioning of the circadian system animals could not remember anything of what happened to them events. The researchers believe that their discovery will allow to consider in more detail the problem of shortage of memory, cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease.
Changes in the learning process depend on the number of compositions of a neurochemical called GABA, which act to deter activity of the brain. All functions of the brain are balanced between these substances. As explained by neurologists, circadian clock control sleep and Wake-up blocking region of the brain from the generation of GABA. But if you do not suspend the activity of GABA in the hippocampus, which stores our memories, chain, responsible for the information, will cease to work properly. Encoding of memories at the molecular level is violated, and chronically high levels of GABA lead to the loss of circadian rhythm. The result of disruptions in the circadian rhythm will cause memory loss. Doctors have concluded that normal, stable and deep sleep are critical to maintaining brain function.
Circadian rhythms /lat. circa about and dies day/ fluctuations in the intensity of various biological processes with a period of about 20 to 28 hours. Often include circadian rhythms experienced by organisms under natural conditions. In an isolated room, which supports constant illumination or darkness, temperature, etc., in plants, animals and humans the period of the rhythm, as a rule, deviates from the daily. If conditions do not change, the period of circadian rhythm is stable. Circadian rhythms can affect both the behavior of the whole organism and in individual physiological processes. In constant conditions the periods of circadian rhythms of these functions are often different (e.g., at constant light exposure in humans vary periods of the rhythm of body temperature, sleep and wakefulness). Such a mismatch in time leads to a pathological condition of the body, which is of great importance for medicine.
Latest discovery
Recently a team of scientists has found a way to measure the circadian rhythm of the person using the computer algorithm, called TimeSignature, which uses blood samples and data artificial intelligence to identify the physiological clock, which clock is integrated in the body.
In recent years, many scientists have delved into the study of circadian rhythms as it helps to determine when and why someone feels tired and takecard certain hormones are released in the body.
This measurement tool as a TimeSignature, can also help to prevent the violation of the circadian rhythm, which can lead to a number of health problems such as insomnia and heart disease. Study co-author Ravi Allada, Professor of neurobiology at northwestern University, commented on the invention:
We did not have a clinically acceptable method for evaluating circadian rhythm in healthy people and in people with diseases. Now we can see, does the violation of internal cases various diseases and, more importantly, can predict possible future diseases.
To work TimeSignature require patients to passed two blood tests with periods of 10-12 hours. The algorithm then analyzes the 7000 genes in blood samples, examining when these genes peak throughout the day. This allows us to identify 40 genes that constitute the circadian rhythm of the patient. Using this information, scientists can predict how much those genes will manifest themselves at different times of the day. Compare this with the actual time of sampling blood allows them to understand what a clock is embedded in the human body.
If TimeSignature is as effective as the authors believe, doctors will be able to use it to calculate time of day should be taken certain medication to maximize the benefit that can be extremely important for the treatment of many major and minor diseases. Here is what he thinks about opening the co-author of the study Dr. Phyllis Zee, Director of the Department of sleep medicine in the neurology Department of the North-zapadnosibirskaya:
Knowledge at what time your body works is crucial to obtaining the most effective benefits. The best time to take medication blood pressure, chemotherapy or radiotherapy can really have a serious value.
Measurement of the circadian rhythm not only gives physical health benefits, but perhaps mentally, which can significantly improve professional productivity. For example, a recent study showed that people-owls are much more productive in the end of the day, therefore, in such lucamdigitalwhitebalance to roboteam, and not in the morning.
Meanwhile, another study involving more than 14 000 students showed that owls often have the worst academic results, experts suggested, it is due to the fact that classes are held in the first half of the day.