Already for this reason Oseni in Zaporiz udruge go through Grand sports pondus Zaporizhstal 2nd Half Marathon. Danian Zahid , calinou moronic begovich zmagan Run Ukraine Running League, de Bruni dalaouti distant 21 km, 5 km and 2 km, and also Estafeta Under Armour HeForShe I Relay Half Marathon Relay. In this season participants to Play vzhe podolal svoï five distances from CIV, Odes, in Lviv DNP and Nalini zabg go through 28 Zhovtnya have stolic kozacko Slavi I Metalurgs.
Friends, dwellers residual Rospatent, Chim zaporizky pumaren Varanasi from NSA sbhv I Play chomu Varto take in nomu fate, mi versile dati answer three osnovni power.
1. Chomu same Zaporizhzhya?
Misto Metalurgs uncarine in svom rod. Today, vono Zuma podneti in sobi uncall for Nacho country story stvorennya Kiïvskoï Rusi , formuvannya zaporzhia kozatstva s velichutin industrilink potential.
Tsogo rock Zaporizhstal 2nd Half Marathon for tradico go through in oni vcend, and skin of the participant, yaky versity priate in advance, smoge prognathia Getty Mista I pobachiti niccas turistic msca. Obowiazkowo Varto vddate Museum Kozatstva the National saponi Khortytsa there odnojmennoj Islands, about which the men of the legends of I de Bulo zrobleno baslc archeologicznych vdkbitw. Takozh mozhna not, propustiti vddon Dneprovsko toelectron, Yak pratsyuє z 1932 roku I to tsogo days sawarogu svoimi scale. Don’t forget progulyatsya nadzwyczajne parks, boulevards, pobachiti baslc pamatniku I sasireti in Muse. I if you all the same navitas priate in Zaporizhzhya on pavni vcend, VI obowiazkowo sacoches in TSE prekrasne Misto kozacko Seeley, spirit metalurgu I you can poborolis for prison msca on pedestal zmagan.
2. At chomu osoblivosti Sabha?
Route Zaporizhstal 2nd Half Marathon of pobutovoi s rahwana maximum kaplana niccaci I linesbecause MSCI stolic kozatstva. Skin athlete smoge pobachiti right I Livy shore, the center micta, Ibiza Khortytsa I Dneproges, s ako otkryvatsja nepovtorim craved on Dnipro. It is worth noting takozh, scho tsogo rock Zaporizhstal 2nd Half Marathon ottima nivisa once 5 star from Evropejsko legkoatletka Asian for runem sertifkat ocenuvanje.
For a comfortable podolannya PUMAROSA distant organzationi obladaut neohd medicin, puncti, toilet, ggratis dots on skin 5-th km sabhu, and also, puncti harchuvannya 15, 18 km / FNS. It is worth noting baglivi time scho zabg take place in cold Onni period, that startovi package participant bude digit varanytsia from thogo. In the wintering package participant dodatkovo to enter the Cape from Dosu, FNS sportsmen centimet, puncti obsrve s haracim Cam I terminatedly, that dopomozhut, zachistit organsm from pereobrazhennya.
Pid hour holding Sabha on usih uchasnikiv Ceca Masa shoplive activities: oblashtovani music one fan point for group patriki, otkrit bezkoshtovne trenovane for usih hunt, spetsialni provocatively proposes from partners I ccav lects. Also organzationi prebacen limovan bezkoshtovne restrac for uchasnikiv I spetsialni provocatively proposes for pensonic, clev gromadskikh organzas, uchasnikiv of boyovich di the IR.
Sche odnu osoblivosti Zaporizhstal 2nd Half Marathon yea of onovleny the design of the medals, that atzmaut pensieri basic distances. On the medals PUMAROSA distant images of the head symbol Mista, and estafet medal vicodan have wiggled shading, that simvast the command desagana methylene on the way to FSU.
3. It’s important nobility!
Danian zabg mill one s namasova napevov naso of the country. At nomu vsmall the fate of hope in 1800 bhunu s us Ukraine that NSA countries. Zaporizhstal 2nd Half Marathon – Grand sports pondus not only for Zaporizhzhya and for vs Ukraine, Oskolki , castino Run Ukraine Running League I pass narun s himi sabami Play. Tsogo rock organzationi zamenili a distance of 10 km on Estafeta 1×10 1х11 HeForShe Half Marathon Relay for saracennia hour of percreta Mista I vbnewline movement of vehicles. Nalini zabg Varanasi shte th Tim, scho zavdyaki sponsors of pritvi Fund tbilisisa by 25% and becoming 65 000 UAH. VIN bude rozdeleni mizh Patima Perche penserai middle chelovk I zhinok in absolute persist, and also grochow preezy atzmaut participants, that samuti perch three msca Vukovich in seven categories.
Sportsmen, that vsmall the fate of the charitable Sabha 2 km, svoj unescape dopomozhut General to Zborov koshtiv on redbana reabilitacionnogo obladnannya for Klinke ortoped, astrolog I SPORTIVNO, travmi Zaporzhia oblacno klono Lorn.
2nd Zaporizhstal Half Marathon scavi sports West for us Nada of the country. We will red bacite on start sportsmen s osogo world I spodvigla to gorstko, ale casno borotba! And all residents and guests Mista thanks for the warm Patrico our sportsmen.