Oatmeal for Breakfast, salad for lunch, yogurt for afternoon snack and a big piece of cake tonight for Sure, this experience exists in everyone. Scientists Finderscope and Liverpool University in the US decided to determine why is it so hard to resist harmful coloring snack in the afternoon.
To do this, they studied the diet of more than 300 young women who were also track your feelings toward food at different times of the day. It turned out that psychological mechanisms are forced to take the offending piece of cake more attractive and appetizing that is closer to the evening.
Psychological mechanisms are forced to take the offending piece of cake more attractive and appetizing that is closer to the evening.
A test of implicit associations, which took place all the participants of the experiment revealed that in the first half of the day high-calorie foods evokes memories of the consequences of overeating, ugly appearance when overweight, disease, death. But the closer the evening, the more unhealthy treats are reminiscent of holiday feasts, romantic dinners and other positive experiences.
Towards evening the food associated with the festive meal, a romantic dinner and other positive experiences.
Yet scientists have not understood whether this effect is physiological causes that make high-calorie dinner so desirable, or it is the result of traditions and recorded on the subcortex of childhood memories. Because our guests are usually in the second half of the day, and festive Lunches and dinners rarely replaced by a festive Breakfast. Tea and snacks, which are taught from childhood, connected in our memory with buns, biscuits, cakes, candies.
Our guests are usually in the second half of the day, and festive Lunches and dinners rarely replaced by a festive Breakfast.
Scientists propose to replace the tea party with sweets healthy food: a serving of fresh fruit, or 170 g of natural yoghurt. And unhealthy associations to fight, planning the meals for the day in the first half of the day.
Research shows that we automatically begin to think about unhealthy foods in a more positive way at the end of the day. This partly explains the evening and night setbacks and употреблениевысококалорийныхпродуктов, commented on the results of the psychologist’s Ashley Haines.
We can learn to control myself more, or try harder to limit ourselves from eating junk food in the hours when we think it is the most delicious.
Scientists Finderscope and Liverpool University in the US decided to determine why is it so hard to resist harmful snack in the afternoon.
And although confirmation of a connection between the control upotreblennoe food and the time of day is not the answer to the question of how to control these impulses, the study could be more than useful. If scientists can understand the mechanisms of perception of products, it will help to fight overweight and obesity.