Seven things your urine can tell about your health

The contents

#7. Orange.

#6. Pink and reddish.

#5. Green or blue.

#4. Brown.

#3. Foam or bubbles.

#2. Transparent.

#1. Pale, straw yellow.

Oddly enough, the daily morning procedure give you the chance to check their health. No, we’re not talking about weighing and verification of the person subject to a rash, we’re talking about the campaign a little. Yes, that’s right, looking closer to the color of urine, possible to see if everything was okay with your body or you need to see a doctor. Magicforum collected data on some of the things your urine can tell about your health. Or rather, we will discuss colors that you can see and what each says about your health. And we’ll show you some options on what to do with each issue.

#7. Orange.

If you notice thaturine color suddenly changed to orange, do not rush to worry about. As it turned out, this colour change may cause some anti-inflammatory drugs or laxatives. Or the reason may be even simpler, maybe you eat too many carrots. This is not a joke and beta-carotene contained in carrots, can make urine orange. If you are sure that all of the above may not apply to you, try to drink more water. You may be dehydrated, so the urine is too concentrated, in this case color may vary from dark yellow to orange.
If you’re drinking more in a few hours the color should return to normal. Although we strongly advise to drink more water, in addition check your eyes. If you notice yellowish, along with orange urine – this can be a symptom of improper liver function. Here you can not cope on their own, so as soon as possible make an appointment to see a doctor.

#6. Pink and reddish.

Pink or red urine, usually causes most people to panic, but actually it is not what is right to be afraid. Color may be caused by certain food and drug administration. If you have recently eaten beetroot, blackberries or rhubarb, then you probably have nothing to worry about. Some of the components of these products, which give them a red color output in the urine after the kidneys have done their work. If the case is in similar products, the following day, the urine should return to normal color. If not, contact your doctor.
Another reason may be that certain antibiotics, such as rifadin and rimactane, which is used to treat tuberculosis, can color urine red. If you are taking something to treat a urinary tract infection, such as phenazopyridine, urine may be pink. Remember that you should never take serious drugs, including antibiotics, without a prescription and the doctor should warn you about side effects. If he didn’t, be sure to ask.
One reason the urine can become pink or reddish is what fears most people. It contains blood. Blood in the urine is a sign of a urinary tract infection, kidney disease, cancer or benign tumors, stones in the bladder or in the kidneys. If you noticed in the urine, blood clots, or other tissue, do not delay and consult a doctor. Doctors say that these symptoms are often ignored, especially among women, who usually dismiss them as from a strange month.

#5. Green or blue.

To see such color in the urine is probably the greatest shock, because they look unnatural, well, maybe not to the Smurfs and the Grinch. But seriously, man this is damn much frightened. Again, eating certain foods, such as artificially dyed or eating asparagus, the urine can paint to such an extent that it turns blue or green. If that’s the reason, nothing to worry about, it is clear after a day or two. In addition, medications like amitriptyline, indomethacin, can also cause a similar color. However, if none of these reasons do not seem probable, you should call the doctor right now, and it is even better to call 112. Green urine can be a symptom of a rare urinary tract infections caused by bacteria. They can also cause the formation of kidney stones which, as you can imagine, take a little pleasure when you exit from the urinary tract.

#4. Brown.

Wait, are we still talking about urinate? Oh yeah, sorry! If you noticed in the urine a brown color – it can be a sign of serious dehydration, so set the caffeine drinks and pour into the body more water. Try to remember, whether you have recently eaten rhubarb. If you exclude these products and sure that you drink a lot of water, but the color does not disappear, contact your doctor. Brown urine can indicate problems with the liver and kidneys. Attention if the brown urine is accompanied by abdominal pain, rashes and spasms, there is a high probability that you have a genetic disease. In addition, the blood becomes a little brownish in the decay and it can be a sign of a more serious condition, such as tumors. As you can see, as if there was not, the best plan of action is to consult with a specialist. Don’t waste your time, hoping that everything will pass.

#3. Foam or bubbles.

Sometimes, foamy urine is normal. This is usually caused by a urine flow rate, for example when you have suffered an eternity in the long road, begging for the Parking lot. But if the situation repeats itself and you will eventually notice the foam more often, call the doctor.
Urine with foam, or bubbles, can also be a sign of excess protein, it requires professional evaluation, as you may have serious kidney problems. We’re not trying to scare you, we just want to keep you alive and healthy.

#2. Transparent.

Transparent urine is a sign that you drink too much water. Yes, excess is also harmful, as a drawback (it’s like Goldilocks and the 3 bears, everything has to be just right), so that the excess water can lead to certain problems. The most important of which is the dilution of salts in the body. This can create a problem of chemical imbalance.
So what better some time to drink less water, to check if this is the reason for the transparency of urine.

#1. Pale, straw yellow.

Finally, the colors that you hope accustomed to seeing and don’t have to worry about them. Ideally, urine should be straw-colored. If you are lucky enough to have perfect urine color – this means that you have no excess or lack of fluid. You drink as much water as you need. Well done! If the urine is more concentrated and do not look like pale gold – this means that you need a little more water. Remember the Golden rule, no joke, if the urine is like lemonade – you’re in good shape.

Previously, scientists have described how to detect a dangerous disease in the color of urine.