In Moscow, the doctors removed a giant clot from the head of a woman

Doctors of the city clinical hospital Botkin were able to during a complex operation to remove a giant thrombus with a length of 20 centimeters from the head vessel to the elderly patient. The doctors say that the blood clots are rarely longer than 2 cm.

To the surgeons that removed a very large clot, 78-year-old woman was hit some time after the operation for cataract. The operation was planned and was successful, but the evening of the same day the patient suffered a stroke.

The woman was urgently taken to the intensive care unit, where surgeons removed from vessel 20-centimeter blood clot, which started from the neck and ran deep into the head. The experts were able to establish that the cause of stroke in the patients was the atherosclerotic plaque in the vessel, which they have yet to extract.

A thrombus is a blood clot in the lumen of the blood vessel. This can occur, for example due to a genetically determined bleeding disorders or due to thickening of the blood on the background of autoimmune diseases, operations on the large veins. In addition, during operations, injuries or infections can cause damage to the endothelium on the inner surface of blood vessels, which also contributes to the formation of blood clots. Also to provoke the stagnation of blood leading to thrombosis, can atrial fibrillation, heart failure, cancer, injury or a sedentary lifestyle.

Magicforum previously wrote about how simple techniques allow to dissolve blood clots in blood vessels.