The number of girls wishing to have a sex change, rose 4 415%

The diagnosis of gender dysphoria is becoming more common in some countries. For example, in England the growing number of kids wanting to change sex, in the thousands of percent.

In 2009 the number of children who were sent to specific therapy for gender dysphoria, was 97. Last year it was… 2 519. The biggest jump was seen among girls from 40 to 1 806, which is the equivalent of 4 415%. Some experts believe this increase is completely unjustified, because we are talking about children and Teens who are making a very important decision in life, sometimes being irreversible. Moreover, these figures reflect only adolescents who are diagnosed with gender dysphoria set officially, but there are thousands of those who have not yet applied for help doctors.

And here it is necessary to understand what explains this rapid growth. First, children today have become much more likely to talk about the problems they were experiencing, and previously, such desires were kept secret and carefully hidden as shameful. But we can not exclude another factor which is due to the rich child’s imagination and very unstable. In some families parents have adopted so-called gender-neutral upbringing, where boys are not encouraged to play typical boys ‘ games and girls to baby dolls. These children are called neutral names, that is, not male and not female, they are allowed to wear any clothes and to make their own decision about what sex they belong to. Even in schools there are “unisex toilets” for those students who are not confident in their own gender identity.

As a result, some children are seriously addicted to this game and consider yourself born in the wrong body. Even before the onset of puberty they begin to give medications to block hormones to prevent the development of secondary sexual characteristics. If the desire to change sex does not disappear by the age of 18, these children can go through a surgery.Studies show that the number of depressions in patients that have passed through a sex change, almost comparable with the number of those who have this operation itself did not. (READ MORE)