Urgent warning over sex toy that may BURN as retailers recall gadget

Urgent warning over sex toy that may BURN women as retailers recall Chinese-made gadget because of ‘internal fault’

  • So Divine’s Vibrating Pearl Love Egg may ‘warm up’, regulators have warned
  • The ‘powerful’ product has been removed from the manufacturers website

A sex toy has been urgently recalled overs fears women may be burned by using it.

So Divine’s remote-controlled ‘love egg’, sold for around £30, has an ‘internal fault’.

It means it can heat up if batteries are inserted incorrectly.

As a result, the firm have pulled the Chinese-manufactured device from sale.

‘This may pose a burns risk to customers,’ they warned. 

Trading standards regulators have withdrawn the Chinese-manufactured devices from the UK market as part of a recall, it emerged this week. Evidence was found that the So Divine Vibrating Pearl Love Egg may ‘warm up’ if batteries are inserted incorrectly. ‘This may pose a burns risk to customers,’ they warned

The vibrator is described by So Divine as a ‘game-changer when it comes to pleasure and intimacy’. 

The lilac-coloured product was sold at the likes of Tesco and Superdrug. 

The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) said items with the batch code BN2303 do not meet safety regulations.

So Divine said: ‘If you’ve bought an affected product, please don’t use it.’

Customers can instead ‘return it to the store where it was purchased from for a full refund’. No receipt is required. 

Even a very serious burn can be painless.

Appropriate first aid must be used to treat any burns or scalds as soon as possible, the NHS advises. This will limit the amount of damage to your skin. 


Burns are damage to the skin caused by dry heat, such as an iron or a fire.

This is different to scalds, which occur due to wet heat like hot water or steam.

Burns can be very painful and may cause:

  • Red or peeling skin
  • Blisters
  • Swelling
  • White or charred skin

But the amount of pain a person feels is not always related to how serious the burn is.

Even a very serious burn can be painless.

To treat a burn:

  • Remove the heat source
  • Cool with cool or lukewarm running water for 20 minutes. Do not use ice
  • Remove any nearby clothing or jewellery unless it is stuck to the skin
  • Keep the person warm with a blanket
  • Cover the burn with clingfilm
  • Use painkillers like paracetamol if necessary
  • If the face or eyes are burnt, keep sitting up to reduce swelling

Burns that require immediate A&E treatment are:

  • Chemical or electrical
  • Large or deep – bigger than the injured person’s hand
  • Those that cause white or charred skin
  • Those on the face, hands, limbs, feet or genitals that blister

Pregnant women, children under five, the elderly, those with a weak immune system and people suffering from a medical condition, like diabetes, should also go to hospital.

Treatment depends on what layers of the skin are affected. 

In severe cases, a skin graft may be required.

Source: NHS Choices  

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