Premature aging of the skin: the main causes

The contents

What to do with first signs of aging

How lifestyle affects the skin and body

Nothing so quickly ends as the youth. Not having to grow up, old age takes on the case. Youth is careless and reckless, because it seems that everything is still ahead and not bother to spend precious time dealing with unknown processes in the distant future. It’s never too late to stop and to take the necessary measures to avoid defeat in the battle for the continuation of youth. The main thing is to understand the causes of the coming age. Magicforum figured out what to do when the first signs of aging appeared.

What to do with first signs of aging

For the health and condition of skin respond fibroblasts cells. They care about making the skin smooth, elastic and quite strong. It is necessary to provide it with nourishment and moisture, maintaining, and adjusting the ratio of obligatory nutrients. This work involved molecular compounds, produced by fibroblasts, which include elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid.

With the passage of time there are inevitable changes in the body and naturally in the tissues of the skin. Various violations occurring in the internal organs, disruptions in metabolic processes lead to gradual loss of vital resources, which affects the skin. In a healthy organism worn-out skin cells so quickly replaced by new, monthly fully body shell updated. Being a mirror reflecting the state of the human body, the skin also undergoes a negative transformation. Slows the process of cell division of the epidermis and the speed of their updates. Reduced ability of fibroblasts to maintain normal water balance, loss of quality of the developed molecular compounds that provides nutrition and health of connective tissue. All this manifests the appearance of a variety of pigmented spots, decreased tone, loss of smoothness and elasticity and the appearance of little problems – wrinkles.

Meanwhile, there are many factors that not only contribute to the natural aging of the skin, but also lead to its acceleration. They are both internal and external. Often, unfortunately, the man himself is not spared, and destroying the old.

How lifestyle affects the skin and body

We know that all useful and necessary to support life in the human body enters through the mouth: with food and water. What a full and varied diet that contains maximum vitamins, minerals and many other desired items, the longer the body retains health and youthfulness. Eating foods with lots of harmful additives, no dyes, flavor enhancers, weird emulsifiers and other chemicals have a negative impact on your health, first and foremost on the condition of the skin, with rashes, pimples and itching. Badly malnourished, even worse – overeating. Permanent diet, the body shocked, and forced to defend themselves, filling the first chance all cells with fat, leading to disruption of the restorative processes. The same result is overeating, as well as abundance in the diet of fatty foods, muffins, sweet.

Without water, no life. Water participates in all biochemical processes in the body, and the man himself is nearly 80%. The skin is half of the water and therefore are sensitive to its lack. The decreasing moisture and lack of replenishment leads to dry and sagging skin. It is also important what kind of water to drink. It is no secret that in the current environment in the drinking water falls, many elements detrimental to human health, which, of course, activates aging.

Because of the sun revives nature. Enjoying his heat and light, improves health and is the Blues. Only with the help of the ancient lights, the body produces a sufficient amount of vitamin D. But giving life, the sun, and it can take away, becoming a cause of skin cancer. What can we say about aging. Ultraviolet rays the heavenly bodies cause the so-called photoaging. Excessive exposure to the sun threatens to change pigmentation and wrinkled skin. Losing moisture, the skin loses its silkiness. Such is the reverse side of the sun.

Testing in any urgent need, say they need as air. As a supplier of oxygen, air, saturated industrial emissions, car exhaust fumes, gas fumes, household chemicals, harms the person.

Great supporters of negative age-related changes – alcohol and tobacco. A series of endless various festivals and celebrations seasoned with an immense amountof alcoholic beveragesbecomes an ordeal for your health. The most powerful, and perhaps the main impact on healthy skin causes Smoking. Smokers do not stop neither the warning nor the earthy color of the skin with an unpleasant “aroma” of tobacco products. Moreover, shortening the life itself, smokers poison the space around them, including loved ones.

One of the reasons of premature aging is the self. Indiscriminately stuffing yourself with vitamin supplements, hormonal drugs, antibiotics of all kinds and for any reason, lovers of self-healing to get a gift of some complications. Violation of healthy microflora, which protects against invasion of harmful microbes, disruptions in endocrine and other systems and organs undoubtedly have a negative impact on the epidermis.

The accelerators of the aging of the body is attributed the lack of quiet rest, regular sleep, and hence – nervous strain and fingerprint on the face and a body shell. Not unaffected skin illiterate use of funds for the care of the body or the use of expired cosmetics.

One conclusion: man is his own Director. Energy resource, nature, is provided for a longer period of life and shortens it each their own.

Previously, scientists announced the cause of premature aging of human skin.