The study showed that the protective power of the flu vaccine begins to wane after a few weeks. But it’s still not a reason to abandon vaccination.
Many experts recommend vaccination against influenza at the end of October, that is, long before the beginning of the epidemic of this very contagious viral disease. However, the new study, researchers from Kaiser Permanente Northern California showed that the effectiveness of the vaccine begins to decline after only a few weeks after the injection. This proves that these vaccinations do not give full protection even during a single flu season.
The researchers found that the risk of contact with influenza increases by 16% every 28 days after the vaccine. In other words, most people who are vaccinated have the least defense just at the peak of the flu season, if they decide to make a vaccine in early September. The researchers observed the effectiveness of these injections over several influenza seasons from September 1, 2010 to March 31, 2017. Within the scope of their attention were the people who received the vaccination due to special shots and was checked for ingress of the body of the flu virus.
However, the study authors emphasize that their results are not at all the reason do not conduct themselves flu shots. It is possible that the most efficient shot for two to three weeks before the start of the flu season. Such vaccinations are especially important for pregnant women, children, the elderly and persons with weakened immune systems. (READ MORE)