Cook delicious and crispy chips can be practically from anything,e.g. from apples, zucchini, pumpkins, beets or cucumbers.
Maybe someone this process until today seems somewhat complicated, but I hasten to please you it is not. We got acquainted with несколькимипопулярнымирецептамипо preparation of chips from vegetables and fruits, and ready to share with you the main recommendations.
A thin slice of success
If you cut too thick a slice, chips will not get crispy. The slice needs to be a thickness of about 3-6 mm, not more, so it is best to use a shredder.
Shredder is a flat kitchen tool that you can use to cut your chosen fruit or vegetables. Find this tool at any store with kitchen supplies in the market or in the supermarket. But remember that with the shredder have to be careful. If you chop the vegetables too fast and do not carefully follow the process, you can cut your hand.
If you don’t want to use the shredder, take the knife, but note that while the process will require much more time and effort.
Set the temperature to 100 degrees duhovke your task is not to bake the chips, and to degidrirovaniya them
This low temperature is necessary to slowly dehydrate fruits and vegetables, transforming them into crunchy chips, so the oil is not too useful.
If you find a recipe in which the temperature is higher, reduce the cooking time of the chips. You can experiment with time and temperature, but in most cases, 100 degrees is the ideal temperature at which the chips from any vegetables and fruit are just gorgeous.
Leave Courville was not a matter of taste
You can safely leave the peel on the products, if you want the chips turned out with the crust. Or remove it if you don’t like this option. In any case, chips are delicious.
Add any spices or seasonings that you like
You can cook vegetables without seasonings, if you want to experience their natural flavor. Can you combine Apple crisp with cinnamon and sugar, sweet potato crisps with chilli and honey, chips of eggplant with rosemary and sea salt, and banana chips with something unexpected, for example, with turmeric. But note that it is not necessary to add more than one teaspoon wet ingredients for a product that the chips are not too soft. And feel free to use more dry spices.
The Council for the preparation of banana chips
With the preparation of banana chips first can cause problems, especially if the bananas you bought are too ripe. So buy the hard banana, which you can find in the store. In addition, slice them a little thicker (about 6mm-1cm)than other fruits and vegetables, otherwise it may be difficult to peel them off the baking sheet when they are ready. And before you put them in the oven, lightly moisten the chips with lemon juice so they don’t get too dark.
Take your time
The chips will be produced about 2.5 hours, so at this time you can go about your business. But don’t forget to check them every hour when the chips will decrease in size and curl up at the edges, it will be possible to get them. In the case of bananas, they must acquire a brown tint.
In the oven they will be slightly soft to the touch, but when you refrigerate them, they will harden and become crispy. Store the crisps in an airtight container and enjoy them until, until they run out (which will probably happen very soon).