Recall: the Threat of Salmonella infections caused by eggs from Aldi, Netto, Lidl, REWE and Kaufland

A lot of different egg products to be recalled

The Federal office for consumer protection and food safety, as well as the company Eifrisch marketing GmbH & Co. KG, warn is currently in front of a possible Salmonella poisoning, which could bring the consumer through the consumption of different eggs from the supermarkets, Netto, Lidl, Aldi, REWE and Kaufland. In the case of a large egg producers have been demonstrated in investigations of Salmonella.

For reasons of preventive consumer protection, the company calls Eifrisch marketing GmbH & Co. KG your eggs back that have been sold in many different markets. Are affected all of the eggs from the barn with the expiry dates between 19. December 2018 up to and including the 24. December 2018, and the print number 2-DE0351691.

What are the eggs from which market exactly are affected?

The following listing shows specifically, which brands which supermarket are affected, according to the manufacturer:

  • Netto Marken Discount: “from the Land of 10 fresh eggs L-M from the Oor” – distributed in the Federal States of Bremen and lower Saxony.
  • Lidl: “Fresh 10 L-M, cage-free eggs” – Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland distributed in the German States-Pfalz.
  • Aldi Nord: “Hofland 6 XL eggs from the barn” – distributed in the regional companies, Horst and large berries.
  • REWE: “REWE Best choice 6 XL eggs from the barn” – sold in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg.
  • Country of purchase: “My Lieblingsei 6 XL Soil conservation” – distributed in Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia.

Of the consumption is strongly discouraged and will

According to the manufacturer, the affected products have been withdrawn from the sale. Anyone who has purchased the above-mentioned article, this should not consume. Instead, the eggs in the supermarket where they were purchased, can be returned. The purchase price will be refunded.

How dangerous is Salmonella?

According to the Federal centre for health education (BzgA) is a Salmonella infection within a few days after the consumption. While complaints such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, Nausea and vomiting as well as light-weight can occur fever. In General, the symptoms persist for several days and disappear again. In infants, small children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems can develop severe and protracted courses of the disease. Due to the continuing loss of body fluid and salts circulatory collapse disorder or kidney failure, which can lead in rare cases, even death.

You should go to the doctor if you have eaten the eggs?

The Federal office for consumer protection (BVL) advises people who have eaten the eggs and, as a result of severe or persistent discomfort to show, seek medical help. The doctor should be alerted to a possible Salmonella poisoning. Who developed, however, after eating no symptoms, it does not need to go to the doctor. A preventive medical examination is not according to the BVL makes sense. (vb)
(Photo credit 1: alexandco/