Does the winning the lottery us really happy? It all depends on how we play, as explained by the expert in psychology of gambling.
Americans theoretically can win a few hundred million or even more than a billion dollars in the lottery what dreams, perhaps, 90% of the population. Unfortunately, numerous examples show that suddenly appeared multimillionaires, people immersed in a world of troubles, scandals and isolation and disease. They have time to quarrel with all the friends and relatives, unfortunate to spend a lot of money and become a victim of depression. That is why psychologists are not sure, bring big money to the people either happiness or sadness. However, a psychologist at Ohio state University Ken Yeager is convinced that all depends on what kind of gamer the person is.
“Remember teenagers who dream of becoming rock stars, while not getting in any note, says Dr. Yeager. – All we need is a realistic assessment of their own capabilities. If the teenager recorded himself in the Studio and will hear it forever will kill his thoughts about a career in rock music. Careful planning and assessment of future risks not only increase your chances of success in all sorts of gambling games, but also allows you to better manage a win. Of course, it can be a rocking event in life, especially if you win the tens and hundreds of millions. But if you absolutely mindlessly playing, just as mindlessly and spend”.
The psychologist emphasizes that the longer a person is from the realization of planned and of any significant events in your life, the greater the likelihood that they will happen. Conservative players that have some analytical mind, and are the most successful. Especially helps if these players are bad at math. The mathematical nature is less prone to rash actions and elation in case of winning. Such people are happy is not how much they won, and the fact of victory. (READ MORE)