Digital Detox: Deliberately go offline

According to a study from the year 2019 looks every German mobile phone users all of 12 minutes on his device. A total of more than 90 per cent of people over 14 to use the first Years of the Internet. Three-quarters of the German population are online on a daily basis.

The Smartphone is an integral part of everyday life. In the morning on the way to work short time through Facebook or Instagram scrolling, at lunch, a couple of Whatsapp messages to reply to, and in the evening, in bed again just check the e-Mails: The views of the phone is made almost reflexively. Often, we want to see just how late it is – and we hang. As soon as you put the phone, then re-aside, forget the time, of course, a long time ago.

The digital detox program works

The concept of Detox is familiar with you, especially in the diet context: The so-called detox to the body of alleged toxic substances. Over a certain period of time, a strict diet plan is adhered to.

The digital detox works on the same principle: a certain period of time without all the electronic devices like the Smartphone, the Laptop or the TV. Thus, the overwhelming flood of information and feeling the need to constantly be accessible will put the brakes on.

A pioneer of the counter-trends are the United States, where also the first Digital Detox Camps have emerged. Meanwhile, there are also the first in Germany to holiday offers without a Smartphone, and co. the aim of this camp is the permanent networking to revoke and re – deliberate on the Offline world to focus on.

Go Offline: Why it’s so hard?

The employment of the Smartphone is good with the gambling compare: To every action we make with the mobile phone, followed by a moment of Surprise. As in the Casino the various Apps although not necessarily a positive Surprise – the opportunity to receive when you Open an application such as, for example, Whatsapp is a joyful message, but ensures that our brain releases dopamine. The reward center is activated each Time, explain why the waiver is especially difficult.

Feel the need to constantly be accessible, creates a strong social pressure. In this context, one also speaks of a Fear of Missing Out, the fear, something not to miss. Double check mark in Whatsapp or Facebook show to our interlocutor that his message has been read, answers us, in addition to quickly.

Many Smartphone applications are a practical companion in Everyday life, we do not want to miss. The railway ticket online to buy, just the timetable, check in, or coordinate appointments: the fact that we are now also supplies on-the-go with the best High-Speed Internet, we are constantly tempted.

By the way: researchers from the Ohio State University found that in 2008, more than 1000 Americans were taken in the emergency Department simply because they stumbled, as she looked at her phone.

Five reasons why Digital Detox

1. Stress

To be 24 hours accessible, causing bad Stress. For one, we feel a social pressure to be delivered, to the other plays in the professional life, a big role in The modern world of work is changing. To claims, such as increasing networking, increased competition and ever-faster work processes, is multi-tasking on the agenda. This, in turn, can lead to Overwork and, possibly, disorders such as Burn-out to.

2. The ability to concentrate increase

Duration of interruptions to keep us from, an activity in a productive and effectively run. In the so-called work flow to get and the best services to provide, it needs according to studies, at least 15 minutes. The Problem is that The average German looks all of 12 minutes on his Smartphone. If we allow ourselves to be constantly distracted, suffering from the quality.

3. Focus set different

A digital withdrawal allows us the Offline world of intense exercise. With the phone in Hand so some of it escapes us, whether it’s the landscape that draws the train past us, or a good conversation among friends, the listening is somehow only with half an ear.

4. Sleep problems counteract

By the blue light in LED Displays, our sleep is disturbed-Awake rhythm. This depends strongly on the Light-Dark change. Our organism is so poled that during the night Melatonin is a hormone that makes us sleepy, is set. In particular, the LED Displays emitted light is suppressed, but these secretion of Melatonin, which can lead to sleep disorders.

5. Health concern: cell phone neck

When looking at the phone, it tilts the head in General far to the front. Then forces of over 20 kg on the neck and back. For comparison: In the normal, erect attitude, there are just 5 kilograms. For our muscles, the hard work means. In addition, the cervical spine of many people is badly trained and the “mobile posture,” thus represents a double burden.

If you incorrectly the vibration alert of his mobile phones perceives, this is called the Phantom vibration syndrome, short PVS. It is therefore not physically a little true, what is happening in the first place. According to a study by the Georgia Institute of Technology, this syndrome affects approximately 90 percent of all Smartphone owners.

Tips: how to spend less time on the phone

A digital sabbatical is doing is undoubtedly good, but in the long term, possibly no solution. After all, digital media are an indispensable part of our everyday life. To demonize any technical device, from now on, not bringing us more, then. It is desirable, therefore, above all, a measured, deliberate handling with Smartphone, Laptop and co.

1. Cell Phone Free Days

It does not have to be directly in the extreme way. How would it be with a phone-free day per week? On Sundays, you do not need to be necessarily reached, or? Also in the holiday, it is a small “fast time” in the sequence.

2. Digital Detox Apps

A mobile App that is designed to help us less often Apps? What may sound even paradox, is becoming more and more popular. These applications remind us how much time we actually spend on a Smartphone.

The German App Offtime is about blocked for a certain period of time, the disturbing programmes, but also messages and calls. The User can self-adjust to what applications it can access, and which are not.

An App called Forest beckons, even with a double-good Conscience: If you the Smartphone for a certain period of time has not been actuated, a tree growing on the Display. As soon as you leave the App, for example, to open Whatsapp, the Plant dies. The principle behind it: To collect virtual coins that will be donated at the end – so a real tree is planted.

3. Slow Media

The founder of the Slow Media Institute to compare the conscious use of digital media with the so-called Slow Food movement. The time and the meal, rather than eating quickly down zuschlingen – would such a behavior also in dealing with digital devices is desirable.

The neuroscientist Manfred Spitzer argues for a self-determined, reflective handling that it enabled us to have the Smartphone as effectively as possible to use. Mobile phones can facilitate the everyday life immensely. Which Apps enrich us, really? What are the costs? You read an exciting article next Time to the end, clear up your Instagram Feed and you consciously take the time to use your phone effectively.

4. Back to the roots

The Smartphone no longer has to be your universal everyday companion. A wrist-watch replaced the view on the phone Display, an alarm clock ensures that you can also start without a Smartphone in the day. The shopping list can be continued written on a piece of paper and the endless Whatsapp-conversation personally. The list is endless.

If we turn off our Smartphone and this happens usually with a bad feeling. Afterwards, we realize: Actually, nothing happens. We should have our cell phone in the handle and not the phone to us.


JIM-study in 2018. Online information of the media educational Forschungsbunds Südwest (mpfs): (retrieval date: 20.1.2020)

Frees, B., cook, W.: ARD/ZDF-online study 2018: growth in media, Internet use and communication: (status: 29.1.2019)

Hildebrandt, A., land häusser, W.: CSR and digitization. The digital transformation as a Chance and challenge for economy and society. Springer Gabler Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin 2017

Seibert, F.: BR Podcast. Pulse Special. Digital Detox: (status: 2.4.2016)

Markowetz, A., et al.: Digital Burnout: Why our continuous Smartphone usage is dangerous. Droemer Knaur, München 2015

Spitzer, M.: Cyber-Sick. How the digital life is ruining our health. Droemer Knaur, München 2015

Köhler, B., David, p., Blumtritt, J.: The Slow Media Manifesto: (as of 2.10.2010)

For More Information

Onmeda-Reading Tips:

  • The 7 most common cell phone diseases: iPhone-shoulder, WhatsAppitis & Co.
  • Sleep disorders due to blue light in LED Displays?
  • Phantom-vibration alarm: If the phone does not ring at all
  • How Smartphones are making our children sick


*The contribution of “Digital Detox: is Aware of going offline,” published by Onmeda. Contact with the executives here.