Beautiful food: Four food, the the skin, change in a positive

If a person has beautiful skin or not, depends on a number of factors: is he Smoking? He spends a lot of time in the sun or in the Solarium? He sleeps too little, or he suffers from Stress? Diet also can image in the skin reflect. Even individual foods and nutrients can change with regular consumption, the skin complexion visibly. Four Examples:

1. Tomatoes, peppers, and carrots make for an attractive skin tone

In red and orange vegetables, put fat-soluble pigmentscalled carotenoids. If you eat these vegetables regularly, store the pigments in the skin and give a reddish-orange color cast. Studies have shown that light-skinned people perceive these skin tone as attractive and as a visible sign of good health rate.

To achieve this effect, it is not enough, however, to nibble on a carrot. In a study in Scotland had to subjects for six weeks, three to four times a day red or orange-coloured vegetables take up your complexion visibly changed.

By the way: carotenoids not only bring color to your face. Especially the tomatoes contained carotenoid lycopene is also an “effective wrinkle prevention, “writes the skin doctor Yael Adler in her book “skin close”: “tomato, with its highly concentrated lycopene tops all the expensive skin creams.” Tomato puree can be used in many dishes: soups, Dressings, and of course tomato sauce.

2. Certain fats counteract inflammation

In linseed oil, rapeseed oil, walnut oil, and oily fish called Omega-3 fatty acids stuck. Anyone who takes enough of these fats, and is less prone to inflammation. Studies suggest that these fats can alleviate existing inflammation and thus the symptoms of inflammatory skin erkrankungenwie can ease Rosacea and acne.

Regularly fish For its Omega-3 needs, you should, according to the German society for nutrition once to twice a week, fat-rich fish to eat. These include for example mackerel, salmon and herring. For the inflammation-soothing effect of much larger quantities of healthy fats are likely to be necessary. In the studies on this topic, the subjects received daily capsules with high-dose Omega-3 fatty acids administered.

3. Sugar promotes wrinkles and oily skin

Young people have tight, firm skin in the first line of two protein molecules due to: collagen and Elastin. Collagen fibers are stable and relatively rigid, elastin fibers are elastic, like microscopic rubber bands. Together, collagen and Elastin form a dense, elastic network, which the skin elasticity and flexibility.

If it is too much sugar to eat, can, this network effectively “gluing”. Sugar from the food passes through the intestinal wall into the blood, which transports it to the organs, also to the skin. In the skin, sugar molecules can combine with collagen. This chemical reaction, called glycation, results in that additional cross-links between the collagen fibers form.

As a result, the collagen-Elastin network is overall, rigid and inflexible. Also hinder the cross-links, the repair of torn collagen fibers. The more torn the collagen fibers collect in the tissue, the more flaccid it is.

Also, acne and oily skin can be a sugar-rich diets promote. If much sugar is in the blood, pours out of the pancreas the hormone Insulin. This helps the cells, the sugar from the blood and use them. In an Excess of Insulin, however, has adverse effects on the organism. Among other things, it drives the sebaceous glands of the skin , and more fat to producewhat acne is favored.

4. Milk may promote acne

If you regularly cow’s milk consumed, the body produces increased amounts of the neurotransmitter “Insulin-like growth factor 1”, short in IGF-1. IGF-1 has a similar effect on the skin , like Insulin: It stimulates the sebaceous glands to make more fat to form. If in the skin more fat is produced, the pores can carry away, it can happen that they clog and become inflamed. The result is blackheads and pimples.

Important: Not everyone gets skin problems if he is drinking milk. Whether a human milk , and the substances contained therein tolerates, seems to be mainly from the hereditary predisposition to hang out. If you are prone to blackheads and pimples, it may be advisable to eliminate milk and milk products for a few weeks from the diet and observe if the skin improves.


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   Last content review: 14.01.2020last Modification: 28.01.2019

*The contribution of “Beautiful food: Four food, the the skin change is positive” is published by Onmeda. Contact with the executives here.