Space adversely affects the brain people

The joint work of scientists from Russia, Germany and Belgium showed that being in space can have a negative affect on the human brain. In favor of this conclusion are the results of a survey of astronauts who were in long-term expeditions to the ISS, these data are published VTE New England Journal of Medicine.

Monitored the researchers began with ten of the astronauts who underwent MRI of the brain ( before flight, after flight, and after a few months). The subjects spent in a state of microgravity on average 189 days.

Tissue analysis and biochemistry of the brain has allowed researchers to establish that a stay in space six months or more significantly reduces the amount of gray matter -a major component of the Central nervous system. In addition, it was found that long space flights contribute to disturbances in the neural connections of the brain, resulting in significantly reduced cognitive abilities.

“With a long stay in a state of microgravity in humans, increased intracranial pressure and can cause swelling of the optic disc. Long flights also contribute to the offset of the cerebral cortex in the skull, narrowing of Central sulcus and circulation disorders of the cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles,” reported researchers in the journal.
In their opinion, people can spend in space for up to 8 months without the risk of provoking irreversible changes. To restore the brain back to Earth after this, you will need to seven months. However, as noted by experts, even in this case, it is difficult to predict all the possible consequences of impaired neural connections that occur in cosmonauts.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about the fact that the wood smoke from the fires “kills” the human immune system.