Sick skinny girl slept for two years and woke up with a weight more than 100 kg

Newspaper the Mirror published a story of a resident of the UK Mise Coakley, who, being ill, starting to sleep for 22 hours a day. After two years the young woman found that recovered with a 42 dress size to 56 and began to weigh 117 pounds.

According to Mize Coakley, her problems began after her father’s death in a plane crash in 2009. The mourner for the death of a loved one the woman was trying to forget, threw himself into work and didn’t think about their own health. In 2010, the body has malfunctioned, Mise ill from three dangerous diseases: meningitis, measles and infectious mononucleosis.

Because of the disease, the British severely weakened. She couldn’t move – even at home she overcame distance by crawling. Energy to cook healthy food also was not, she began to eat chocolates, chips, drinking protein shakes. In the end, the woman’s weight has increased to several tens of kilograms, although the Briton says: an excessive amount of calories she consumed. Coakley says that her weight is the result of immobility and constant sleep, which overcame her at the slightest physical exertion.

“Only cost me to move a little, as I fell asleep from exhaustion. I had no strength even to eat porridge or soup – I fell asleep during the meal. So I only had a bite. Eating junk food and not wasting energy,” she explained.
In 2016 Mize attended the wedding of relatives and seeing yourself in those photos, I realized that she was in serious trouble and needed to lose weight. She helped professional nutritionists. Now the woman weighs 66 kg and helps people suffering from obesity.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what habits prevent people lose weight.