Mosquitoes brought to Russia a deadly virus

According to experts, Russia was in the ring countries where there were West Nile fever, and early summer outbreaks of the virus manifested itself in the Krasnodar Krai, Rostov and Volgograd regions. Where in Russia is this exotic tropical disease and how dangerous it is?

West Nile fever, causing the Central nervous system, and in the worst case – death, raging in Greece, which has infected hundreds of people. There is an epidemic disease associated high humidity. As reports NTV, outbreaks of fever were also recorded in Italy, Serbia, Hungary and Romania, as well as in Armenia, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan.

“Is the number of infections is due to the fact that the virus does not manifest itself immediately, it is difficult to detect,” said the experts.
The vectors of West Nile fever are the usual mosquitoes. According to virologists, the infected insects migrate by sea to car tires, and this migration, in their estimation, is a “planet with the speed of the ocean liner”. Experts admit that Russia can appear and such “worker”, as an African albopictus mosquito that carries the causative agents of the epidemic is much more serious West Nile fever.

According to the head of the Department of General biology and Bioecology University Professor Mikhail Gordeev, Krasnodare has revealed a large number of mosquitoes of this species, although two years ago these mosquitoes in the city was not.

“We fear that this mosquito will move further into the Russian plain,” warned the scientist.
West Nile fever is a viral disease, which is also called the African fever. Accompanied by fever, meningitis, lesions of the mucous membranes and lymph nodes.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that scientists have named five of the most popular deadly diseases in modern humans.