Found bacteria that strengthens the immune system

Which bacteria stimulate protective for the body functions of the immune system, were able to learn Russian scientists. They found that bacteria of the genus Bacillus produce substances which possess immunomodulatory properties.

A study of the influence of the bacteria studied doctor of biological Sciences Lyudmila Kalenova and doctor of geological-mineralogical Sciences Vladimir Melnikov, Tyumen University scientists. Together they worked the specialists of Tyumen scientific center SB RAS.

The researchers found that bacteria of the genus Bacillus produce specific compounds cytokines, which is a low molecular weight protein compounds that can improve the immune status. Scientists have found that cytokines affect the cells of the immune system: in particular, certain parts of the immune system function depending on the concentration of cytokines.

The authors of the project investigated the peculiarities of the influence on different components of the immune system secondary metabolites M3 strain Bacillus sp. have been allocated from the multi-year frozen rocks. They conducted an experiment involving men aged 24-26 years receiving secondary metabolites of the studied strain.

As a result, experts could make sure that the metabolites of Bacillus sp. Able to “include” in the body of all types of anti-inflammatory cytokines that enhance immune protection. According to scientists, on the basis of this strain can be created powerful medicine.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that scientists have identified an unusual cause of longer life expectancy.