Dane died from the disease, which is contracted by the fetus during pregnancy

A resident of Denmark died from a rare disease, which has infected the fetus. With pregnancy women took place 53 years ago. Обэтомудивительномслучаерассказалjournal of neuropathology is Experimental Neurology.

Dane died from the disease Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. In this disease gradually destroys the cerebral cortex and other parts of the brain. From the disease 20 years ago died the woman’s spouse. After his death, a resident of Denmark made a DNA analysis to verify its exposure to the deadly disease, but it was negative. However, shortly before the 70th anniversary of women diagnosed is a disease, Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease.

The specialists of the hospital at the University of Copenhagen suggested that the infection of a rare disease occurred during pregnancy. The son of Danish now 53 years old, he, too, showed symptoms of the disease Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

“From his father he inherited a gene which causes the disease, and, while still a fetus in the womb, gave to his mother. Embryonic stem cells containing the toxic prion protein, moved through the placenta into the bloodstream and eventually reached the brain” – this according to scientists was the way to the development of disease.
Prion proteins in question have anomalous structure and are able to damage healthy protein structure that leads to damage of brain tissue. They cause Creutzfeldt–Jakob occurs in one person per million.

Magicforum previously wrote about the case of transplantation of the kidney, which was cancerous and caused the patient for the development of cancer.