Choose the most beautiful smart

Scientists have found that for the perception of beauty, you must have high intelligence, writes the journal Nature Ecology Evolution. This conclusion was made by scientists after an experiment with fish guppies.

“To realize the beauty of a potential partner requires a certain intellectual level,” stated the researchers after the experiment.
Biologists have found that females are smarter than guppies, the more beautiful males they choose. At the same time stupid fish did not differ in their future partners handsome from ugly males and chose everyone.

According to experts, this pattern is discovered by them, amazing – initially it was assumed that all females will be “run” only the most attractive males with the most spectacular color. However, stupid female, possessing minimum size of the brain is equally active gravitated as beautiful and unattractive potential partners.

The researchers were able to establish that females with a large amount of the brain have consistently preferred only bright males, handsome, and in their brain at the same time was shown “the pattern of activity”, which was not observed in females, with a small brain.

Scientific experts believe that in the animal world there is a complex relationship between intelligence and preference is just beautiful. The same sophisticated system of relations there is between sexual selection, beauty, and intelligence in people, scientists believe. But these connections have yet to explore.

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