What should be the backpack of the student: recommendation of the Ministry of health

To protect the child from back problems, it is important to not only choose the right portfolio in school, but to make sure that the student is properly worn. The Ministry of health of Ukraine published on its website the advice of a doctor Vadim Ilyashenko on what should be a backpack of the student. Information based on materials of the American Academy of orthopaedic surgeons and North American society of pediatric orthopedics.

How to choose the right backpack

When you go to buy a backpack, be sure to take the child to respect his wishes and try on the backpack.

When choosing a backpack, be sure to pay attention to:

  • Shoulder belts (straps). It is important that the backpack was two wide and soft straps.

Make sure that the child always use both straps of a backpack: even weight distribution will prevent curvature of the spine. To prevent problems with your back firmly tighten the straps so that the backpack snugly against the back along the entire length.

  • Belt at the waist. The extra strap will allow you to lock the backpack on the belt, reducing stress on the back.
  • Stiffness of the back. It is better to choose the backrest of medium hardness, but it must be soft on the back of the child.
  • The weight and size of the backpack.

To prevent back problems in any case do not buy a backpack to grow into. The backpack should not hang more than 10 inches below the waist.

Choose the most lightweight backpack. It is desirable that it be no heavier than 1 kilogram. However, its weight may depend on the actual weight of the child: experts recommend that the total weight of the backpack does not exceed 15% of the total weight of the child. According to state health standards, the weight of the backpack with books, notebooks and writing materials should not exceed:

For students of I-II classes – 1.5-2.0 kg

For students of III-IV classes of 2.0-2.3 kg

For students V-VI grades – 2,3-3,0 kg

For students in the VII-VIII grades – 3,0-3,5 kg

For students of IX-XII classes – 3,5-4,5 kg

  • The presence of internal partitions

Organize the placement of items in the backpack so that the most severe were at the bottom, closer to the center and back. For example, in the office, which is adjacent to the back of the child shall be placed books. This minimizes the risk of back injury.

  • When possible, choose a backpack with wheels. If the child feels discomfort, he can take it for themselves.

Prevention back problems: tips for parents

  • Encourage your child to tell you about any discomfort, pain, numbness or other sensations in the back, neck, arms, or legs that occurs when wearing a backpack. Do not wait until the child himself will be misleading, very often children perceive the discomfort as due.
  • Watch as your child puts on and removes the backpack. It is important that the student did it without difficulty. If necessary, adjust length of straps.
  • Ensure that the child is not leaning forward to compensate the weight of the backpack. If you think that the backpack is too heavy for a child, remove a few books from his backpack and let the child carries in their hands (this will ease stress on the back). If the weight of the backpack is still a problem, get a second set of books: one for home, another for school.
  • Do not ignore any pain in the back of children and adolescents.
  • Encourage your child not to wear a backpack without having to remove it at every opportunity.
  • Encourage your student to carry in the backpack only the necessary things.
  • If the child needs to pick something up off the floor without taking off the backpack, safe posture is squatting, not tilting at the waist.