Why not pull hair from nose

It would seem that hair and hair. They are not particularly needed (except to ward off its kind of annoying suitors). A couple of seconds – and no bushes… But not. If you regularly grab the tweezers, stop and read this article. Perhaps you are on the verge of death.

Why do they need?

From nose hair depends on the respiratory system, and indeed of the whole organism.

On them settles the dust, dirt and bacteria from the air. And when you sneeze, all this flies out. The result is something like a natural filter for the lungs. Studies show that people who do not remove the hairs in the nose, 3 times less likely to suffer from asthma.

And they increase the friction of cold air when you inhale – it heats it up a bit. In addition, the hairs trap moisture and protect the mucosa from hypothermia – so in the winter with the “bushes” in the nose walking more comfortable. Risk to catch a cold less.

And what happens if they pull out?

As lucky. Perhaps you don’t feel, and may not happen some unpleasant things:

  1. Appears the boil. Every deletion of the follicles new hair becomes weaker and thinner. He may not break out and start growing under the skin anywhere. And it is fraught with abscess. Have a special lucky balloons of palmosa, and then the boil bursts and comes out very very long unsightly hair.
  2. You’ll catch the infection. Because the hair in the nose is a filter, they are full of dirt. And always in the dirt breed germs. When you rip hair from the root, the skin is micronance, and all pathogenic organisms penetrate into the blood system. And then to the brain. In severe cases it can lead to brain abscess or purulent meningitis.

But they spoil the view! Somehow it is possible to remove them?

Yes, they can be cut. This requires a special trimmer or regular manicure scissors. But first be sure to disinfect them with alcohol and not get carried away: cut only the hairs that really stick out. Let the rest remain in place and perform their important protective functions.

Another a seemingly harmless procedure – removal of sulfur from the ears with cotton sticks. But actually it provokes infection, pollutes the oceans and even cause dependency! Saving you from those evils the article “Why not to clean your ears with cotton swabs?”.