Why is my appetite? Causes of loss of hunger

The contents

Why is my appetite?

What can be causes of loss of appetite in a child?

The reasons for the decline of appetite in adults

Why no appetite during pregnancy and what to do?

Why is my appetite — causes

What do people who have no appetite or in recent years they have started to notice a decrease the desire to eat. How can I increase my hunger? On the one hand it seems good that you have a lack of brutal appetite, but worse, if he is permanently gone, that is it is not. Magicforum found out for some reasons appetite and what to do if he was gone.

Why is my appetite?

Loss of appetite in adults or children is not as harmless as it may seem at first. Even the slightest drop, not to mention the complete lack of desire to eat, talks about serious changes in the body, health problems.

The appetite, decrease, or no is called dyslexia. The main signs dyslexia: poor appetite or a noticeable reduction, partial or complete loss of interest in food, do not feel the hunger. If a person or child tells you that he has no appetite for several days or even weeks if the hunger is gone for a long time, then this is a clear sign dyslexia.

Loss of appetite can occur when a person is sick due to psychological problems, stomach problems, due to the patients teeth. If a person has no desire to eat, he does not feel hunger, you must first find out the causes of such change. Knowing the reason can

What can be causes of loss of appetite in a child?

The child has no appetite, he doesn’t want to eat anything, hunger is not felt. Such words can be heard from many parents. Of course, if their favorite child before gladly ate, and now not even paying attention to sweets and all sorts of delicious meals.

The main reasons for the lack of hunger from a baby and small babies can be:

Diseases of the mouth, sore gums in an infant. In infants, there is a sharp decrease in appetite during the period of growth of teeth. Of course, even when an adult has a toothache, he does not want to eat and hunger no. Not to mention the baby, who even can not say about the problem.

In the first year of life the appetite of the child is very good (but because actively growing) , but with age there is a decrease interest in food. To increase appetite in infants and young children with more frequent walks and outdoor games. The more a child moves, is outdoors, the faster you can raise the appetite and faster he will be feeling hunger.

Another reason for the lack of interest in food in children may be unusual for baby food. Change of diet can lead to decreased appetite, but over time it again to improve.

But most often the child has no desire to eat when he’s sick, then hunger disappears. The child may have a headache, teeth, it can be cold or they had problems with the stomach or digestive tract. Poor appetite can be caused by constipation, flatulence and colic in infants.

The reasons for the decline of appetite in adults

No desire to eat or lost my appetite, a phrase spoken any adult. When a child says “not hungry” or “I will not eat this mess”, maybe he’s just naughty. If an adult there has been a loss of appetite, then the problem is serious. Hunger must sometimes be felt. Before to reflect on the issue of increasing the desire to eat, need to establish the reasons for poor appetite.

To reduce the feeling of hunger is affected by a number of factors as emotional as girls, or men and health. It’s one thing if you don’t want to eat only 2-3 days (fatigue, bad mood) and the other if for more than a week

Why no appetite during pregnancy and what to do?

Girls may lose appetite: during pregnancy, during menstruation and after childbirth.

Loss of appetite during pregnancy can be caused by a lack of folic acid, iron, or low hemoglobin content in the blood. So if during pregnancy you feel a lack of hunger, it is necessary to take the test. The doctor leading your pregnancy will prescribe vitamins and treatment that can increase the appetite and normalizes blood.

After pregnancy and during breastfeeding, many girls say “no desire to eat” and they do not cheat. Lost my appetite and did not want to describe the condition after pregnancy.

So you are missing beneficial microorganism, besides stress, lack of sleep and stress after birth. However, do not succumb to apathy, try to walk more, eat fruit, go to the doctor — he will prescribe vitamins and in difficult situations prescribe treatment.

Why is my appetite — causes

The desire to eat disappearsin people sick with colds, flu. Of course, when you suffer from runny nose, cough and temperature above 37, and hunger is not felt. During illness and after surgery should eat fruit, vegetables, broth or liquid soup. Not is impossible, even if you don’t feel hungry.

But the most serious reason for the lack of hungerare diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cirrhosis of the liver. If you notice pain in the abdomen, nausea and dizziness, immediately consult a doctor. You need to do an ultrasound of the abdomen and liver. The diseased liver produces lye, which suppresses the stomach acidity and so you have no appetite.

Stress and nervous tension are also to blame for the lack of desire delicious to eat. Some people during stress eat a lot and be fine and others can’t force myself to eat even a sandwich, and lose their appetite.

How to increase hunger and to return the appetite?

To appetite is back, try not to think about the problems, get rid of sources of stress and depression. More walk, move, and start to play sports. The fresh air will help to lift and enhance the desire to eat returns again the taste of life again appears healthy hunger.

Often go to stores with delicious food, pastries, café with fresh coffee. Smells of coffee, smoked meat, spices, cinnamon and tangerines, as well as fresh pastries develop a wild desire to eat and suddenly you can feel the hunger.

If you struggle to eat fattening food, then I’ll make myself a light salad or eat an Apple or pear, drink the liquid soup, even if you do not feel hunger.

In any case, with a little discomfort if the hunger is gone, you should pay to the doctor and be tested.

It became known why Smoking appetite suppressant.