Walking is not inferior to the effect of drugs

Doctors again raise the issue of the importance of regular physical activity, emphasizing that only the combination of a healthy diet and exercise protects against disorders of the cardiovascular system. The results of the experiment under the authorship of scientists from the United States prove that moderate physical activity reduces the risk of heart failure is not less effective than medicines.

The staff of the School of public health Buffalo was a large-scale study involving more than 137 thousand women aged 50 to 80 years. At this age, the heart muscle weakens and can not regulate blood flow with the same ability. But the daily short workouts allow you to maintain the myocardium in the operating state, are convinced by the scientific experts.

According to the experiment, regular physical activity reduces the risk of heart failure by at least 25%. To protect the heart is not so much the intensity of physical activity, how much the amount of daily activity, said the authors.

According to them, older women must be more to go if they want to lower your risk of heart failure and other cardiac disorders. Scientists say that walking speed is not decisive no importance, much more important to comply with a permanent regime of walking daily. Every additional 30-45 minutes of physical activity lead to a 9% reduction in the risk of heart failure, estimated the researchers.

Earlier Magicforum wrote, at what time, from the point of view of science need to have Breakfast,